Chapter 10

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Im typing this up on my laptop so if the layout is different or if anything has changed I'm sorry:-)Xx


~~~~Brooke's POV~~~~~

"I HAVE A PLAN!" Morgan shouted. "Oh no" Me and Sophie said in unison.

We all went through to the living room Sam and me sitting on one couch and Sophie and Morgan sitting on the opposite side. "Right come on whats the plan!" Sam said starting to get inpatient.

"Ok so the plan is, Sam goes to Sashas house and askes to speak in her her room and begs for your phone back, Me, Brooke and Sophie all watch through her bedroom window and we will video it and in some way Sam you have to get the snobby little rats to confess that it was them sending the messages, Got it? Good!" Morgan said.

"That's a pretty good plan Morgs but why video it?"I asked. Morgan stood up at started walking towards my signing, "Brooke Brooke Brooke, silly little Brooke" she said patting me on the head then sitting next to me. "We video it to show the school how much of a snob she is, I'm a genius! I know!" Morgan said flicking her hair over her shoulder.

"Yeah! Let's do it!" Sophie shouted while standing up and walking out of the living room with Morgan leaving me and Sam. I stood up then felt two hands grab my waist and pull me on to Sams lap, I smiled but I didn't want to look at him I could fell myself blushing.
"I love you" Sam whispered in my ear making me shiver. Once I stopped blushing I turned towards him. "I love you more" i whispered, I slowly leaned in to kiss him but just at the last minute I turned to his cheek and kiss that then jump off his laugh and left.
"NOT FAIR!" Sam shouted I could tell he was laughing.

I came running round the corner and bumped it to Sophie. "Sorry Soph" I said "You will be" she said turning around and walking towards the front door. "Hurry up Samuel!" I said smirking i could hear Sam start to get up and walk towards me, he stood right in front of me and I was laughing. Sam took a deep breath and said "Its Sam to you if you call me that again well you will pay...for dinner" He said smirking "Oh my god Sam, Come on let's go!"

I locked the front door and sat in the back of Morgan's car with Sam, Morgan driving and Sophie in passenger seat and we were heading to Sashas house. I really hope this plan is going to work.

A/N Hope you liked this chapter, please comment if you like it:-)Xx

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