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"You can just call me
Look how it's like playing with fire
It shows up when it is 'Bling'
Just blink for me
I'll cool your anger down"

-NCT127 Firetruck


I realized that I probably should have gone back to my own dressing room, even if it were just to do some last minute practice on my routine, but I couldn't help but return to the spot where Madam Ten and I had originally been snooping on the audience members. Who could blame me? Although I was terrified of NCT 127, as I was probably right to be, but I was just so curious. I wanted to see the leader of NCT 127 with my own eyes.

And so, I lifted the curtain back once more and my eyes scoured the audience in search of where the Madam that gone off to. I was quick to find her as my suspicion that she would be at the main table were correct.

The first thing I noticed was that Madam Ten was standing awfully close to a sitting Johnny with her arms draping around his shoulders as her hands playfully stroked his collarbone. The discomfort in his eyes was apparent, but he didn't push the Madam away.

Taeil was sitting across from Johnny and the Madam, next to Yuta. Taeil was giving Johnny a sympathetic look while Yuta was obnoxiously laughing and obviously teasing Johnny despite me not being able to make out exactly what he was saying.

The room was getting louder, which was normal since it was getting closer to showtime.

Next I noticed Mark who was sitting, well again, more like half laying in his chair, leaning up against a less than pleased looking Doyoung. Mark was passed out but seemed to be mumbling in his drunken slumber. Doyoung was looking at what I'm pretty sure was a flip phone that must have been older than he was. Probably a typical burner phone, I thought to myself.

My eyes flickered back to Madam Ten as she swiftly lifted her leg over Johnny's, exposing her upper thighs.

I didn't understand what was happening at first, it looked weird and random, but then the Madam tightened her arms around Johnny's neck and sat on his lap. This action caused Yuta to let out a laugh that could easily be heard over the roars of the crowds; Taeil to drag his hands down his face in what I could only describe as a "big oof" kind of emotion; and Johnny to almost launch out of his chair, almost knocking the Madam to the ground. Luckily, he still had the decency to catch her and assist her as she transitioned back into a standing position.

The Madam said something that I couldn't register as she brushed her hands down her dress as if she were wiping off any dirt that might have gotten on her dress despite her not ever having touched the ground. She turned to face Johnny and pinched one of his cheeks prompting him to jump a little and causing the cheeks on his face to flush a deep red.

I couldn't help but sigh to myself. The Madam did have a habit of being oblivious when it came to men who obviously weren't interested in her, but she had never acted this forward before.

Johnny turned to Doyoung and lifted his hand close to his ear and pointed to it with his other hand. Doyoung took his flip phone out of his pocket and stood up, knocking the passed-out boy using his body for support to fall sideways into the newly unoccupied space and causing a big crashing sound as the chairs were knocked over.

Doyoung seemed completely unfazed by the accident, only continuing to talk to Johnny as he typed something into his keypad and then lifted it up to his ear.

Mark was jolted awake by his fall, staying on the ground for a few seconds as he got over his confusion. The incident must have shocked him sober, because he got up and sat up in his chair, not saying anything.

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