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"Ah, we are free from studies! Free from teachers! Yes!!"

"Hey! You know what do now." Your best friend smirks at you and you smirk back, immediately knowing what she means.

"South-Korea, here we come!! Whoop, whoop!" both of you yell and hug each other after that. You remember something and you sigh, your expression changing.

"Ugh, I almost forgot..I need to work a little longer before I leave this shitty country or I won't survive." You pout at Sema and she pats your shoulder.

"You can do it, honey. You're not alone. I wouldn't dare leaving you alone here!"

"Good, or I'd kill you when I'd find you there." You smile and she laughs, giving you a tight hug.

"Now go to your family and celebrate this day! Have fun!" she waves and runs off to her own family. You yell a 'bye!' as she has her back turned to you. You sigh and walk to your bike to unlock it and ride back home. Once you arrive, You change into normal, but decent look for a family dinner at a restaurant. You check the time and nod.

"Just on time." You say to yourself and leave your appartment. The taxi you called already arrived and you get in to go to the restaurant. You arrive on time and see your older sister running to you happily.

"Y/n, congrats on your graduation! Sorry that I couldn't be there..But you finally did it!" She smiles and pulls you into a tight hug like always.

"Ahah, yes! I can finally focus on making money to move!" You answer her while hugging her back. She backs off while pouting at you.

"Do you really have to leave that fast? What about us? Your friends? Are you really sure that you want to leave your home country?"

"I am not gonna give up on it now, sis. I learned their language and about their culture, their cooking and way more. I won't let that go to waste! Really, I'm ready to go." You smile and she still looks sad. You sigh at her.

"It's not like I won't come back to you all! I'll visit you during holidays and call you when I can, okay?"

"Sure.." She lets go of you and walks to the others with you, going inside the restaurant. Everyone congratulates you after sitting down on their seats and you thank them. Jokes and stories about you when you where young pass by during dinner. Time passes by fast and you decide to check how late it is after the dessert.


"So, Y/n. What are your plans now? Will you just work and get older everyday?" Your younger brother asks with a smirk and you scoff at him.

"Dream on, little brat. I'll just work and and earn some more money to move to Korea and continue my life there. I don't know when exactly when I'll be leaving. Why? You gonna miss me?"

"Tch, you and your obsession wit Korea. Why would you live there? All they eat is noodles and rice! they sit on their knees for who knows how long and that bastard Kim Yong-Un lives right next to you." He looks at you like you know nothing.

"Hey, you're disrespecting their culture right now! Not only theirs, a lot of other countries' too! think before you talk idiot! Now excuse me, but I need to go to the restroom." You stand up and turn to the restrooms. before you realise it, you bump into one of the servants and a filled teapot with heated water falls on you.

Shit, that's hot as hell!!

"Oh my, I'm so sorry! Are you okay? Let me get a towel for you! Please, forgive me miss!" The servant puts the pot down on an empty table and hastly gets a towel, coming back and immediately tries to dry your wet clothes. You smile and grab the towel.

"I-it's okay! I will dry myself in the restroom." The servant apologizes one last time and cleans the mess on the ground while you walk off to the restroom. You quickly get in one of the cubicles and lock the door.

"Ahh, so hot!!" You curse some words as you take your top off and dry yourself. Luckily, it was just heated water. after a while of waiting and drying your top, you take it back on and unlock the cubicle, walking to the grand mirror. You check you make-up and fix the messed up spots. You sigh and leave the restroom.

A man of your height passes you first and you get a glimpse of the side of his face. Suddenly, you feel nervous to the point that you hear your heart.

Was that..No. It can't be..They're on a world tour.


I'm probably thinking too much of them and Korea, hahah!

You shake your head and go back to your table after seeing your sister wave at you. Another hour passes and your mother asks for the bill. All of you leave the building and your sister speaks.

"Wow, I could eat here everyday."

"I agree with that! I need to go back now though. Tomorrow will exist of looking for jobs." You say and give a hug to everyone while saying goodbye. You arrive back at your sweet home around nine in the evening and immediately change into your pyjamas, taking your make-up off after that. After happily walking to your bed, you drop yourself in it, getting comfortable to fall asleep and dream of your flight to your dream country.

--Time skip to next morning +v+--

The very familiar alarm goes off at ten in the morning and you turn it off, stretching your legs and arms in bed after that. You get out of your bed and take a hot shower, eating breakfast in your lilac bathrobe with light blue flowers. You grab your laptop with you as you walk to the couch.

"The job I dream of won't be here. I should do something that earns well but doesn't require any education.."

Two and a half hours pass and you filled a bunch of resumes at different companies and part time jobs. You grab your phone and call Sema. She picks up in seconds.


"Hey honey~! How you doing~?"

"Tch, Hey. I just finished writing a bunch of resumes and honestly, I need some air and a good friend."

"Ooh, I'm ready! Where do you want to meet up?" She asks excited and you laugh.

"How about we go to Brussels and check out some shops?"

"Great! See you at the station in forty?"

"Yup, laters!"

You hang up and close your laptop to walk off to your room and change clothes. You grab your purse and leave your nest, putting your earphones in to listen to some random Kpop songs. You get the urge to dance on some songs.

Suddenly, you get a flashback of yesterday, Of the man who passed you in the restaurant.

Looks like it will take a while untill I forget him..



First chapter of Fantasy Love, rewritten! I like it! x)

Next chapter will be longer! ;)

Fantasy Love - Rewritten - M.Y.G. x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now