Crush#1 Childhood Sweetheart (2)

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Kuhu's POV
Age: 6 years

(6 months later)

Dear Diary,

Sorry I have been forgetting about writing to you. You know, it was because I was too busy eating sleeping, watching TV and going to school. Plus I have a new best friend. Ofcourse he is not as good best friend as you are. But as you don't come to the school, so I stay with him.

But I am so happy today that I couldn't help writing to you. Plus mommy has gone to aunt's place and I am sitting in papa's office having nothing to do. The aunties here are nice and friendly and they give me chocolate whenever I come here. But I don't wanna go to their cabin. They pull my cheeks and it hurts me. Besides I am grown up now.

Today was Manan's birthday and he brought chocolates to distribute in class. He brought a box of small "5 star" for us. I had told him that it was my favourite chocolate. So he showed me the box and winked at me. (He said that he had learnt how to wink from a movie. It makes him look even more cute you know)

He gave everyone 2 chocolates. And 3 to Lakshmi ma'am. But can you guess how many chocolates he gave me? Guess guess.... you give up? Okay okay I will tell you... he gave me 4 chocolate !!!!!!!

And he then asked me to accompany him to the staff room to distribute the chocolates to the teachers!!!

Priya said that he invited me because I am every teacher's favourite. But she is such a boo boo. He is my best friend.

Do you remember that I had been collecting coins for my piggybank savings? Actually I wanted to buy a doll. But then I thought why not to gift something to my best friend? So I asked my mommy to take me to the toy shop a day before and help me select a gift. I brought a blue colour toy car. He would love it. He is my best friend you know.

My all savings went for his gift. But mommy said that Manan is my best friend so I must not think about my own wish. Besides I myself am just like a doll. Papa said so. And he is always right.

So after we distribute chocolates, we come to class. Everyone has gone down to play in garden. So I take out the gift  and give it to Manan. He excitedly opens it and screams with joy. And then we both play with the toy car.

When the school was over, I was going towards the home, he opened my bag and put a small paper chit. Then he gave me a wink and ran away.

I came home and opened up the folded paper. He had made a drawing of a doll and wrote in the bottom

"This is your return gift. Sorry I would give you a real doll when I would have money. Pinky promise!

Your chum

Didn't I tell you? He is my bestttttttttt friend!!!!!

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