Valentines Day

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Kuhu's POV

"Excuse me! Could you please allow me to get inside the players' dressing room" I Shouted again so that the bodyguard standing in front of me could hear me in midst of the loud cheers and voices of the overexcited crowd!

Actually it was Valentine's Day. Since it was the day of the match, I couldn't spend any time with Manan. Yesterday's visit of Aarav had given me a new ray of hope about my relationship with Manan. So I decided to take the initiative.

Without telling anything tu Manan, I came to another city to see the match. Since Priya was also with me, my father approved my overnight stay. We both entered the stadium and she proceeded to get seated in the normal stands meant for the crowd. I however decided to do some daring and went straight for the dressing room of the players.

However either the security guard didn't know me (now that I was a little famous) or he was a good man simply doing his duty. Because he didn't allow me to get inside.

Suddenly the door opened and the whole team came out in midst of cheering crowd. I stood next to the security guard and looked at all of the players emerging out. Many of them recognised me and called me "Bhabhi Ji aaj yaha par?" (Sister in Law why are you here?)

At last I saw Manan emerging out of the room. He looked at me and a feeling of shock followed by amusement crowded his face.

The Caption Shouted "Manan I would see you in 5 minutes on the ground" implying that he was granting us 5 minutes to talk.

"Hi!" I breathed. I was so excited.

"Hi" he looked amused as he didn't expect such a step from my side. Usually he was the one who would request my company.

"So?" He grinned. He wanted to know my answer as to why I was there. He knew I came for him.

"Actually I.." I was about to speak when his teammate jumped towards him.

"We won the toss! Its bowling first!Quick let's go" he took him away from me, unknown about Manan's eyes looking into mine, as if assessing my feelings towards him. Sometimes I feel he is more kind of logical being than an emotional one.

I nervously looked around to find the wife of the Caption and since she  already had the permission to view the match from VIP stands, she took me with her. She insisted that Priya too must join us so soon we three were busy watching the match together.

Some of the match went into blur. Why? Because my train of thoughts won't stop. I couldn't stop thinking about what Manan would think about me.

Would he think that I was too needy? Or too desperate? Or he must be thinking as to why did I suddenly come to watch his match without the invitation? Because I was the person who was into taking things slow while he marched with confidence.

After the end of the bowling, it was our Team's turn to bat and Manan was the opening batsman.

He played brilliantly amongst the shouting crowd. His partner too was a great player. Both were able to manage the game without any single wicket.  The match ended with him scoring a century. He marched towards the dressing room while smiling at the direction of the stand where I was standing.

Soon the round of Award Ceremony started. First, the team Caption accepted the trophy on behalf of the entire team. His name was Angad Dayal. When asked to comment about the performance of his team, he expressed how much proud he was for the whole team. When asked about Manan's performance, he chuckled and remarked that it was because of the presence of someone special tonight that fueled Manan's performance.

Manan was announced as the Man of the Match (I.e the person who has given the best performance in the whole match). He thanked his parents and then me.

"I have a surprise for you" he whispered as he took the microphone from the announcer/anchor.

And thousands of red and blue balloons were released in the air! And I was reminded of our school time when we had painted balloons during the first day of our meeting.

I gasped with surprise while Priya just smiled.

"It was all planned Kuhu. I told him in advance that you were coming to meet him. Since he was guilty of not spending the day with you, I told him to give you a nice surprise. I didn't know that it would turn out to be THIS good." She offered.

And I saw something. My picture was flashing across all the big screens.

It came into my head. Though I was cautious, Manan was going fast. Way too fast in our relationship. But he was a keeper. So maybe I must loosen myself a little. And stop being scared of heartbreak. Maybe. Maybe I would learn to love again. I smiled to myself at the thought of meeting Manan in private.

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