Friend Indeed

778 82 16

Kuhu's POV

"Okay. I shall gift you a metal cap fountain pen." He winked while I sulked. And the memories of the prank of using metal cap fountain pen became fresh.

I decided to ditch my plan of going home and convincing my father. It would be better if cools down a bit. I was constantly getting phone calls and messages from Manan but I was in no mood to reply any of them. He must know that he wasn't the only person involved in relationships. My feelings mattered too.

Meanwhile I was sitting with Nishchay in a cafe. Sulking. Because all these years he never bothered to contact me.
I had right to be angry. He was still my bestie.

"No. No amount of bribing would cheer me up." I was adamant. To be frank, it was fun to be angry at him and him trying to cheer me up.

I spotted a ring on his ring finger. Was he engaged?

"Ahem ahem! I can see a beautiful ring on your finger. Interested in gifting it to me?" I teased him. And he blushed while ordering his coffee.

"Listen I agreed to you that I won't fall for anybody while you would be gone. But I am sorry it was difficult not to be resisted by Shobha" he said.

I was genuinely happy for him. Agreed that he was my crush in school. But
more than that, he was my bestie.

"So... I guess it was a love at first sight right? When is the marriage?" I asked him.

"Marriage is after 6 months. Yes it was love. But not at first sight. Actually, after you were gone, my parents sent me to Canada to study once my school was over. It was so tough. Living in a foreign country with no one to know you. I was all by myself. And suddenly, I found this girl. Shobha. She too was new in the city and we both explored the difficulties of studying in an expensive school and doing job simultaneously. And then living in a low budget. We both finished our degrees and suddenly I didn't want to go back to India. Without her. And I realised that I wanted her for my lifetime." He said.

Aww that was so cute. I was glad he found someone. Just like me. Or maybe not?

"So what's the matter with Manan?" He grinned.

"How did you know about Manan?" I asked him. And then I sneaked a peak on my phone. 42 missed calls and 20 messages. From the same person. Manan.

"Whole world knows about you now" He chuckled and showed me the headlines from his phone. It stated that " The Chocolate boy of the Indian Cricket has found his inspiration"

I facepalmed myself.

"What's the issue? You don't like him? Do you love him?" He asked.

"I don't know if I love him." I confessed.

"Do you like him? Do you find him attractive?" He asked me in the most straightforward way. Typical Nishchay.

"I do like him. But he posted the whole world about our dating. He should have atleast asked my permission first." I emptied my frustration.

"I am now scared how my parents would react" I told him the final thing that was worrying me. To which he laughed.

"I know he made it complicated for you. But you have no option but to face the wrath of your parents. If you want, I would come with you. I know uncle since I was a kid. He wouldn't be that mad. And he would eventually cool down. Don't worry" he offered his assurance.

I felt a sense of relief after hearing to his opinion.

"And if possible, please forgive Manan. It's difficult to find true love. And it's even more difficult to find someone who loves you more than you love him." He said.

"I will forgive him. But at present I am mad at him. By the way, you seem to be experienced" I laughed. My mood was light again.

"It is because I am experienced. It took me 2 whole years to convince Shobha's parents. Our relationship went through loads of ups and downs" he said seriously.

"But how do you know that Manan LOVES me? I mean it's different that LIKING right?" I asked.

"I am a boy so I can easily assure you that he loves you. Any guy who falls in love with a girl would be always eager to show the world that he belongs to that girl. He would take pride in declaring that you are his and he is yours. He would never ever hide his feelings if he loves you." He said sincerely.

And I realised that he was right. Manan loved me.

I looked at my phone. The last message of Manan read like that

"I am sorry if I have hurt you. But you have always been my first love. And I am proud to tell that world that you belong with me."

I sighed. I should have atleast answered his calls.

Before I could do anything, Nishchay snatched the phone from my hand and called Manan. He put the phone on speaker.

"Hello?" Said the familiar worried voice of Manan.

"Hello. This is Nishchay. I  am friend of Kuhu. Can we please meet at Kuhu's home? Now? We need to talk. I am bringing her with me at her place!"  Said Nishchay before I could say anything.

"Sure. I am on the way. I guess she is pretty pissed off with me" Said Manan, his voice reflecting some relief.

Nishchay said goodbye and cut off the phone. I looked at him questioningly.

"There are some things that are required to be sorted out before you get into anything messy and spoil anything" he looked at me, took a sip of the coffee ordered by him and paid the bill.

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