Fatal attraction

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Kuhu's POV

"What do you mean by the fact that I am not romantic?" Asked bewildered Manan.

"Yes. It's true. You are not romantic. The only person who speaks is me. You just listen to me quietly, nod and smile. That's it!" I accused him. He bored me sometimes.

"It's because I am a man of actions. And not the man of words! I love listening to people." He cleared.

We both were arguing like married couple in his dressing room while the whole team waited him to join them in the stadium. It was the tournament finale and he forced me to accompany him in the team's van.

I was super excited to meet the other famous cricketers. However my excitement was short lived when Manan was his usual self. Silent and attentive. He wouldn't fish out his phone or ignore me. Instead he was very attentive to me. But the problem was, that he never spoke much and I had to do all the talking.

Suddenly I noticed that Manan had reached towards the door. The door of the dressing room.

"What are you doing?" I felt nervous suddenly after seeing him locking the door from within.

"Your team members are waiting" I tried to remind him.

"Let them." He ignored my comment and looked straight into my eyes as he took slow steps towards me.

"Wh what are you doing?" I gulped nervously and took the steps back until my back touched the wall.

"I am told that I am not romantic. Time to prove that wrong." He whispered into my ears while caging me into his arms.

He bit my ears and murmured "every time I see you, I feel like taking you into my arms and kiss you. Kiss you madly."

I looked into his eyes and I could see that passion that a man has for a women when he claims her.

"I imagine kissing you like this" He said while softly kissing the nape of my neck.

My mind wanted me to push him away and fight his dominance over me but my body was enjoying his slow and sensual assault.

"I imagine you whispering my name when I hold you tight (putting his hands on my waist) and kissing you here too" he said as he kissed my eyelids and nose.

His lips barely touched my lips when someone knocked the door and called out for him

"Manan sir, the caption is urgently calling for you."

Manan smiled naughtily as if he had won the war while I breathed heavily. I was relieved as well as disappointed due to sudden interruption and my face couldn't hide those emotion.

"I am coming in a minute" Shouted Manan while he still gazed into my eyes.

"Wait for me darling, let me win this match and then show you what real romance is" he promised as he walked towards the door and I sighed with the sudden turn of events within the previous few minutes.

I couldn't wait to be alone with him now. And I didn't know why.

✔️Kuhu's Secret Crushes (Completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon