Crush #3 Father (5)

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Kuhu's POV

"Why the hell did you talk to him?" He asked me enraged.

"I did not have any other choice!" I defended myself.

A few days had passed since the day I took Kabir's phone number. Like he said, he acted like a perfect gentleman. And tried to make up for the problems I had faced.

He made everyone in my class to sit for 15 minutes (out of 40 minutes break) to sit in a circle and have lunch together. He cited that "it was an important step for class unity". And trust me, though awkward at first, it turned out to be fun. We all had lunch, we all talked and played games too. The class loved the idea of sitting together and hailed Kabir. Before he could clarify that it was my idea, I signalled him to keep mum.

Girls had practically stopped bullying me. Even though the hate was still evident, they tried to stay civil with me.

I auditioned for the role of lead singer and got the spot in the school band. I didn't invite Kabir but he made a point to come to my auditions with his group and cheer me.

I want to be the school Mayor (caption). There are four houses (Red, Green, Blue and yellow) in my school from where four candidates from each house (ie total 16 candidates) would fight for the spot of School Mayor. The person having an excellent record and getting the full votes from the teachers and students would be chosen as the school caption.

At present my senior Anmol is the school Mayor . He belongs to my (blue) house.When I told him that I intend to stand up on behalf of our blue house, he was more than happy to train me and take me under his wing.

If you become a school Mayor ( caption), you automatically get access to lead in school's drama, sports club, music club, dance club and event management community.

Every house would choose 4 students each called school counsellors and out of those 16 students, one student would lead the counsel as school's Mayor. Elections are after 6 months and I think it would be a thrilling adventure to get out of my comfort zone and compete for it.

It was obvious that Kabir too was standing as a potential school caption on behalf of his green house. That would be fun I guess. He is already school's sports caption. He is popular. IT would be tough to beat him.

Our school was chosen to take part in State Level English quiz. So it was at evening when I got call from Misha ma'am. She is our English teacher.

"Kuhu, I have chosen you, Aansh and Kabir to represent our school. The preparations will start from tomorrow. I have already informed Aansh but I want you to inform Kabir" she said.

I remembered very clearly that I wasn't supposed to call him after 8 o clock at evening and it was already 8:30 pm.

"Ma'am, actually I shall inform him tomorrow in the class" I Said

"Can't do that. The reporting time of school is 8:00 am but I want you guys to come early at 6:00 daily from tomorrow so that we get spare time to prepare. Call Kabir and tell him to report at 6:00 am tomorrow sharp. I don't have his number but since you both are classmates, I guess you would have his number or can contact him via his friends." She said. I just sighed and agreed.

It took me a few prayers in order to dial his number. He had given me his landline residence number. (We are too young to possess a personal cell phone). But why  was I scared of what his parents would think of me? He isn't my friend right?

I dialed his number and with every ring, my heartbeat increased.

"Hello" said a firm and strong voice. It must be his dad.

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