And the match begins!

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Kuhu's POV

"So are you both in my team? Please say yes please please please!" I pleaded Manan's mum Kavita aunty while she and her husband Tarak uncle  (aka my prospective father in law) grinned and gave an affirmative answer.

I realised that his parents were already fond of me. Maybe because I once saved his mother on the day of his first match.

"I once discovered your picture from the middle of his book . That happened before 3 years. And we knew that he had a serious crush over you. I confronted him and he told me how he got your photo from Facebook. Since that day I knew that he would marry you. My son, though is man of few words, is always a man of action." Chuckled his father.

I agreed with him. Because he was my friend on Facebook since the previous year. Which meant he must have done a meticulous planning about how he would have me in his life. Even though we were always in touch via letters, it was one thing to be a friend and another thing to be married to that same person whom you haven't met for ages.

We talked and had a good time. "Thank you so much for being in my side. I want to propose him and surprise him. And my idea is so incomplete without you both" I thanked them once again while leaving. I knew that it was time for Manan to come home so he better not see me. That would make him suspicious.

Before leaving, his mum looked concerned about the brutal winter air outside and gave me her shawl so that I could wrap it and not catch cold. I didn't have heart to say no to her.

I went to my place only to find the front door open. I entered to find Manan laughing freely about a joke that my father was narrating. Wait. What was he doing in my house? Especially at this time?

I gave him a suspicious look. But he just got up and told everyone that he was leaving. I saw him hiding something inside his left pocket. Wait was it a jewellery box? Because it looked like that? He caught me staring at his pocket and smiled challengingly.

And then his expressions too changed. He probably saw his mother's shawl wrapped my me. And gave me a questioning look. I too gave him that smile. The game is on baby.

I went outside next to him but he was super quiet. Quieter than usual. He has the habit of inquiring about how my day went and about studies. But tonight, he was quiet. Dangerously quiet. When we reached towards the township gate, he kissed my cheeks and said goodbye and gave me his special dimpled smile.

Okay. Stop being mushy. Now I have to think about why was he at my house? And if he was here, why didn't he inform me about it?

I knew that I cannot trust my parents as of now. Especially when I saw my mother giggling and signalling something to Manan while he was leaving. Thank God I had Manan's parents to support me.

First things first. I needed a ring. Now from where the hell would I get that? Rings are wayyyyy too expensive. My internship assured me a good stipend but I had used it to pay the other expenses earlier this month . Now I didn't have time to wait for my next paycheck. I had to propose him. That too fast. And maybe, become a little bit economical.

Maybe some creativity would help me!

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