Strong and silent

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Kuhu's POV

"Thank you for dropping me to my place" I thanked him for dropping me to my home. The date was great. He was interested in me. And that felt so good.

I wanted him to meet my parents and brother. I mean they had seen him when he was just a kid. They must be curious to meet him too. I hadn't told them that I was out, dating him. I just told them that we hang out like friends. That's it.

I had worn a white coloured shirt with red sweater and blue jeans. My long hair were left open. He donned white shirt and blue jeans as well. Our outfits weren't planned to match but it was a sheer coincidence.

"Hello aunty" said Manan as he touched her feet as a mark of respect he also touched my father's feet and joked around my brother. And for next half an hour it felt as if he was the most talkative person in the Earth.

He enchanted my mum with his manners, my father with his knowledge and my brother with his friendly banter.

"It's getting late I have to go" he said after looking at his watch while my family protested and urged him to stay for some more time. But he was adamant. He wanted to take a good sleep.

My mum instructed me to drop him outside the house. We passed through my garden where there was a big swing. Big enough for 4 people to sit. There were rose plants around the garden.

He pulled me towards him,into his arms.
"I am sorry I could not give you much time. I was busy with your parents and brother" his apology sounded sincere.

"Oh that's okay. Don't think too much" I assured him.

He took my hand and we both went towards his car. Now we were out of view from my parents.

"It's sooo good to see them after years!!" He Exclaimed.

"I just can't understand you" I spoke truthfully.

His mood swings were not bad. But sometimes he would be so quiet around  me and talkative around rest of the people. For instance my family today.

"It's just that I am a quiet, shy and reserved person and I love to think a lot. But when situation requires, I can talk a lot and impress people" he said nonchalantly.

"So you wanted to impress my parents?" I caught him.

"Well..." He said.

"Well?" I asked. I wouldn't let him go so easily.

"Yes" he grinned and blushed.

"Why yes?" I asked him innocently. I knew why.

"Well because... (avoiding eye contact with me. Looking here and there) because you are very important to me. (With full eyé contact) And I... I kind of like you".

I mentally patted my back and I wanted to scream with joy. But I wanted to have a calm exterior so I didn't react much except of giving him a small smile.

We walked towards his car.

"Goodbye. And good luck for your tomorrow's match" I wished him.

He smiled and sat inside his car. I was turning back towards my home when I heard his voice.


I turned around to find him smiling at me.

"Yes?" I asked him.

"I forgot to tell you that you look very beautiful today. And I love it when you put your hair down." He said as he started his car and waved me goodbye.

I sighed with sorrow. Will meet him after a week. Staying with him makes me forget everything about date or time. Though he speaks less, it's always fun to see his reaction when I speak.

I went home and after finishing the chores, I went to bed. Before going to sleep, I checked my cellphone. I had a text message from him.

"It must be so frustrating to have someone like me who speaks so less isn't it?"

I guess he knew how I felt around him. Or atleast he had a faint idea about how I felt.

"That's okay. Maybe I could get used it" I wrote back.

I waited for 10-15 minutes but didn't get any reply. So I felt nervous, anxiousness and curious. I didn't want to call and wake him up because maybe I would disturb his sleep and tomorrow he had a match.

So with butterflies in my stomach, I went to sleep.

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