Crush#4 Boys and girl

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Heya everyone. Sorry for the late updates:) you know I am into the festive mood:):) he he... so wish you all happy Diwali and Happy New year:):)

For the first time I am writing on behalf of Kuhu's 4th crush... Aarav....

Wish me luck:) hope you enjoy it too:):)


"So??????" She stood in front of me tapping her right feet furiously. As if waiting for any explanation from me.

"So what?" I Asked baffled. I was hoping that she would be pleased that I had involved her into movie watching marathon which involved only boys. Maybe because since a long time we didn't have a female intern. Neelay Nimesh we're ecstatic when I told them about my idea. We brought her tickets. And instead of thanking me, she was aiming daggers at me.

"I don't get it Kuhu"  I admitted. To be frank, I have hard time talking with girls. Especially the ones who are beautiful. No. The ones whom I like. And there she was. Following me since the first day of the office. Adamant to join me into my assignment.

She would sit next to me. And despite my shyness, she would continue chitchatting with me as if my shyness wasn't an obstacle for her. As if I was just another friend of hers.

I wondered if she could talk with a corpse. And you know what the main problem was? Her talks were intelligent. Yet I couldn't join her into the conversation because of my shyness. So I would just nod. That's it. Last day, before parting she complimented me for my excellent listening skills.

"Don't pretend you don't know anything Aarav." She said defeated. And my name from her lips sounded so good. I ended up smiling.

"Okay I give up. I have no clue why you are angry" I admitted.

"Because you booked  my tickets without my permission! My parents would never ever allow me to go out with random guys!" She spoke up.

"What? You think we are just some  random guys?"  I was shocked.

"You all are random guys for my dad" She said.

Agreed. She was right.

"How much did that ticket cost you? I shall give you back the money" she offered as she fished out her wallet from her bag.

"I won't take any money from you. Afterall you are a girl!"  I Said. And then I saw a change if expression on her face.

"Gentleman ha? Fine. I am a girl. So please complete my share of Income Tax returns and file them. And ya I am a girl. So please Cover my overtime shift. I am a girl... so please drop me and pick me up from my home to my tutions...." she started firing daggers.

"I don't mind talking to your dad and convincing him to let you come!" He offered cutting her in between.

"Please leave that thought... You already are so scared of taking to me, how would you convince my dad? " she spoke it out and then covered her mouth with shock! As if she said something that she wasn't supposed to speak!

I was shocked. I thought I had a confident exterior so she would be deceived by it. But no. She had to see right through me.

We both stood for a few seconds in awkward silence while she looked everywhere except at me. I decided to be a bigger person and leave that topic. Atleast for the sake of avoiding the awkward conversation.

"How about this? I shall invite the wife of our boss. Then your dad would definitely allow you right?" I smiled at myself for thinking on the spot.

She seemed to ponder about it. Then with a big smile, she nodded.

I parted from her, thinking about calling our boss and madam (boss's wife) as soon as possible and invite them for our movie marathon. Boss was supposed to go out of town so he would definitely turn down the invitation. But I was sure that his wife would agree to come with us. She had known us and is a very kind lady.

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