With you by my side

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Heya Guys! How are you? I am soooooo excited to write this chapter from Manan's POV !!! Hope you all are equally excited to read this one!!!

Manan's POV

In the midst of the cheering crowd, I proceeded towards the pitch. It was an important match. If we win it, we would be qualified to enter into the World Cup. And this time, I was given an opportunity to be an opening batsman. And trust me, it's a huge privilege as well as responsibility. Lately things had gone a bit stressful. I couldn't perform well in my previous matches. So many people questioned my existence in the team. But my Caption, Angad was very supportive. He trusted my abilities. But I had to prove to the world. That was tough.

The whole week my mind was occupied into tons of practice sessions. But trust me, I never ceased to think about Kuhu! I mean during every four or six, I would think how much Kuhu would appreciate me if I manage to get a good score! How much she would shout or cheer for me while sitting with the audience! (Though she isn't a type to shout without any purpose. She is sensible and mature I guess.)

I was planning to propose her. I even took her parents' permission. I went to her parents' place with a box of ring. Her mother informed me beforehand that she wasn't at home. However I didn't expect her to come home so soon. I doubted if she saw that box of ring while I hid it inside my jeans pocket.

What made me curious was seeing her wearing my mother's shawl. I recognised that shawl because  in the past, I had gifted it to my mother. Did she come from my home?

I tried to casually ask my mother if Kuhu had came to the house but she denied. Anyways I didn't have time to think about such stuff so I stopped thinking about that incident.

While marching towards the stadium, I patted my pockets. I felt the box. I would propose her once the match would be over. Maybe later in my room in the hotel. She doesn't like showing off her love to the crowd so I decided to keep the proposal thing private. I couldn't wait to see her expressions.

I agree that I never gave her time to think. I didn't even give her time to consider whether she wanted to be with me. But it wasn't my fault. She was my first childhood crush. We stayed in touch via letters and postcards. Even while we lost each other's contact, I later followed her regularly on Facebook. Because she has always been the women of my dreams.

But I didn't have any money. Or good financial position. Or any stable career. My parents had to sacrifice a lot to see me fulfil my dreams. And I had seen many ups and downs in my career. I wanted some stability. Some assurance that my career was going into a good direction. Once I was chosen for selections to go towards the National team, I decided to finally get in touch with her.

And like a Lady Luck, she rescued me when I lost my wallet and she made sure that I reach to the other town on the very  day of the selection. She rescued my mother during my first match. And ensured that I play without any stress.

She was there to support me during my first match. She never questioned me when I didn't perform well or when the critics questioned my ability. She took her time but then stood like a rock solid support for me.

As soon as I stepped towards the pitch in midst of the roaring crowd, I saw her face on the VIP stands. She was smiling at me, wishing me good luck by showing her thumb. She was wearing the red dress. The same one that she wore when we met for the first time.

Staying with her had taught me to now to show too much of  PDA (Public Display Of affection)  in front of public unnecessarily and maintain a dignified stance. That would prevent us getting featured into the gossip columns to some extent.

However I did something unexpected. I gave her a flying kiss and the crowd roared in unison. She blushed while her face was shown on the large  screens. Sometimes it's okay to break the rules. I winked at her. And then look towards the pitch.

The pressure to perform was tremendous but with her by my side, I would fight with the whole world! This was just a mere match.

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