Crush#3 Respect (3)

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Kuhu's POV

"Jealous aren't we?" Said my brother Neet. He is 4 years younger than me but his maturity sometimes beats mine.

"Hey I am not jealous of  that stupid Kabir" I defended myself.

"Then why did you not congratulate him? Unlike everyone else in the scho?" He asked.

I signed. Yes maybe he is right. Actually  Kabir ended up topping the state level History competition, thereby beating me and everyone who had participated on the behalf of the school.

His name was announced in the prayer hall and everyone congratulated him. Except me Ofcourse. I mean how can I lose in something like History? Besides getting the highest marks in class math test didn't help me either.

While everyone was congratulating him, he just looked into my direction. Into my eyes. As if waiting for me to approach him. If not as a friend but as a classmate.

But I couldn't. Whole day my mood stayed rotten. When I came home, I started feeling guilty for my misconduct. I told my brother Neet everything and then felt relieved. Like I feared, he pointed out that I was jealous of Kabir's success.

So the next day, I reached to the school early. Anxious about how I would improve my mistake. Just for the sake of my own piece of mind. I saw Kabir entering the class. Only we both were present in the class. He looked at me and sat on his bench. While I sat on the first bench. He sat on the last bench in the row next to mine.

I went to him and extended my hand to congratulate him. "Congratulations Kabir. For scoring the highest marks" I tried to give him a small smile.

I touched his hand. It was so cold! Besides I felt a small spark when my hands touched with his.

"It's a privilege to be congratulated by you ma'am " he smiled.

"You are pulling my leg aren't you" I felt a little bit of frustrated as I felt that my cover was being lifted.

"I am not. I genuinely respect you. I know that I am not your friend but it's true." He said sighing.

"I... I am sorry." I Said. It was getting awkward but I had to clear my conscious. "I was sad yesterday that I didn't end up winning the competition like you. Soooo I felt a little bit jealous. I... I am sorry" I said, my eyes down on the floor.

"I know. Happens. Even I felt jealous when you scored the highest marks in English test and your essay was appreciated by the teacher." He smiled.

"Th... thanks for understanding" I felt pleasantly surprised how the feeling of frustration and guilt faded away so suddenly. Maybe because of his simple admission.

As I was returning to my bench, he asked "why do you hate me so much Kuhu?"

I turned around to look at him. His eyes were staring at mine. I took a deep breath and explained " Ever since you had that stupid bet..."  but he cut me off

"Wait! You knew about the bet? Since when?" He asked bewildered.

"I knew about it since the day one. Now listen. Ever since then, the majority of the girls of our class are insecure that I would 'take you away from them'. So no one is willing to be my friend. Besides every girl hates me! I am sometimes subjected to bully when no one is around!" I told him the truth.

"Further since you are clearly showing your interest towards me, no one is providing me with notes to study. I have entered the school late when the exams are just around the corner, syllabus  is already completed and I don't have notes of the past lessons!! " I told him.

"I know you have no business of telling others to be atleast friendly with me but it's because of you that I am unable to get along with people. Further I am subjected to a lot of hatred." I say.

"That's the reason I choose to stay away from you. Besides, your flirting sucks!" I told him. I hoped that now he wouldn't notice me and this conversation would be forgotten.

He didn't say anything but the tension in atmosphere in the class was too thick that it could be cut with a knife.

So I decided to go out of the class. And leave him alone.

"Kuhu!" He called me when I was going towards the exit door.

"Yes?" I turn around.

"I am sorry for my lame bet. And I promise that I would make up for the torture that you endured for these days since you are here." He said

"It's okay. Even if you don't do anything, I am fine." I assured him, ready to get out of the class.

"Will you believe me if I tell you that you hold the highest respect for me against the entire school?" He asked casually. But there was a serious undertone.

"Ummm thanks" was all I could say because I didn't know how to react.

I went out of the class and got busy with my work, not knowing about the times that were about to come.

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