Crush#3 Hilariously Romantic(2)

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May I help you?

Kuhu's POV

"May I help you?" He asked again. For the 6th time of the day.

It's a superbly busy day. With art and craft theme, there were several competitions organised in the school for the whole day.

From the Rangoli to origami to painting and craft, we had a long day to tolerate. Whole class was excited for the competitions. Not because they had a flow of excessive creative juices but because participation would ensure better grades.

Anyways Kabir had found a newfound gusto in helping me. Unfortunately it didn't work.

"Everytime you try to help me, you end up spoiling my work! It would be better if you mind your own business" I told him. Gosh! From where did I learned to be so rude!

But you can't blame me okay. During the art and craft competition, I had created a beautiful lamp using ice cream candy sticks. He tried to help me by lifting it up so that he could place it on the table for the judges to see.

He picked up the lamp, almost ran towards the judges carrying my delicate work in one hand and praising me on the other hand. Suddenly he tripped on the floor and my work crashed on the floor.

All my hardwork of 45 minutes almost went into waste. Luckily the judges were kind enough to give me the score based on the their earlier view of my work.

But I was beyond frustrated. I took a pity on his puppy face and didn't say anything to him.

Hell broke loose when he tried to help me again. Our math papers were checked and I had almost scored perfect 9 out of 10. He took my paper and went to the teacher to request him to increase my marks.

Apparently the teacher got pissed off  and deducted one more mark of mine.

During the rangoli competition, (rangoli is a painting made on the floor by using colourful powder) my red colour got finished. So he volunteered (without asking my permission) to get it from others. Finally a fan girl of his gave him some red colour in a dish. He rushed to give it to me but ended up spilling it on my head.

To give the final touch of the disastrous day, I saw him getting chased by one of his fangirls while he ran towards the class. She hugged him forcefully and went outside the class. I was shocked by the whole scene and he saw me getting shocked. He raised his eyebrows and smiled at me as if showing off his fan following .

Things were okay until he forgot to see the wall in front of him and got his head banged while walking.

No matter how much I tried to get attracted to him, it's not possible. Why other girls like him is a mystery (apart from the fact of him being the sports captain of our school and  being class topper and having an amazing height)

"You are the powerful magnet who pulls me towards you" he says his last pickup line.

"You should dedicate this line to someone named "trouble" " I suggest.

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