I would be the first!!!

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Kuhu's POV

"I am sure that he wants to propose you" concluded Nishchay as I told him what Manan had said to me regarding staying with him 24*7.

"I second that" said Aarav. He too was equally excited.

"Yeah that's true." Said Kabir, his face defeated.

If you are wondering what was going on, actually it started with Aarav calling me and asking my help regarding booking one of the most popular resort for his marriage. He knew that I had a friend who owned that resort. That friend was no one but Nishchay. Though he didn't run it, it belonged to his family since years.

So I chose a small cafe called "Cafe Chit" and asked both of them to meet me there.

If you ask me what Kabir was doing there, I got his text while leaving my home for the cafe. It about being his friend again and asking about my well-being so I told him that I was busy with other stuff. He said he too would reach there.

While we were eating our Maggie (instant noodles), the deal between Aarav and Nischay with finalised while I sipped hot mint tea. As it was Sunday we all were free, the topic shifted to my life. And I told them about Manan's remark of spending 24*7 with me.

"Look Kuhu, since the day I met him, I knew that he was super serious about you. And it's natural and practical. Any guy with an established career wouldn't mind getting settled if he has found his girl of dreams. So if you are thinking about freaking out, please don't." Warned Kabir.

I was surprised about him taking Manan's side because apparently he disliked him. But he muttered something under his breath.. something about sacrificing love, maturity and getting friend zoned while Nishchay and Aarav giggled.

Aarav is the most compassionate amongst three of us. So definately it was his idea. "I think you should propose him first! Nothing better than surprising your loved ones!"

"Ya and that would break the headlights out of him" grinned Nishchay.

"Are you sure guys I should do that? What if he really isn't in rush about getting married? What if we are just misreading this situation?" I asked.

"I am a guy. Trust me, he wants to marry you. And what's better than your dream girl proposing you?"Said Kabir.

We all three agreed that I would propose him before he could propose me. While we parted, Nishchay and Aarav went to the opposite direction while Kabir accompanied me to the parking lot.

"Oh this is good and bad!" He said looking into my eyes while I looked at him.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because now we are friends again and I won't feel awkward the next time we meet. We both wanted some closure. With or without feelings."

"You are right." I agreed.

"And you said that it's bad... how it's bad?" I asked.

"Because I allowed another guy to steal you away. Had I been more mature and not taken you for granted , I wouldn't have caused you any pain or lost you" He said.

"Nevertheless I want your happiness. So if that jerk ever harasses you, you can always come to me. We would break his bones and go out for a cup of tea" he grinned making things normal again. It wasn't awkward at all now.

We parted with my mind resolved to propose Manan. He had given me enough of surprises. Now it was my turn. But I had to do it fast. Before he proposes me first.

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