Yes Now They Know

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Kuhu's POV

"Oh my Gosh I cannot believe this!" Exclaimed Priya as she called me while I was driving for the office. I had almost reached half way towards the office.

She had been driving me crazy, calling me at that time. I was already late for my internship. And she wasn't stating the reason for her excitement!

"Don't move into circles! Come straight to the point Priya. What happened?" I asked, angry.

"Open your Facebook account." She commanded.

"I will after I reach office" I didn't have time for her nonsense.

"Now!" She commanded.

It must be serious. I opened it to find myself being tagged by Manan. From his official account (he got his official account since he is famous now)

It was a beautiful picture of a quote from "The Notebook" by Nicholas Sparks

It was a beautiful picture of a quote from "The Notebook" by Nicholas Sparks

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Almost every famous celebrity had started to comment on the post. Including my own close friends and community. I was scared as to what would happen if my parents come to know about it.

As if on the cue, I got the phone call from my father. I held my breath from whatever was about to come.

"We need to sit and talk" he sounded firm and serious. Before I could give any explanation, he put down the phone. And I rushed to my home.

I mentally cursed Manan. It was because of him I was into the deep waters. And then, the conversation of last night clicked into my head.

Kuhu?" He asked.


"Your parents know?" He asked me.

"Know what?" I was feeling too sleepy to understand what he meant.

"Never mind they will know"

That devil!! My blood boiled. He should have atleast asked me!! Now the whole world knows! Even if I am attracted to him, I don't love him yet! He could have atleast given me some time to think if I literally wanted to bring this into the public!

I opened my account and deleted his post from my wall. I called up Manan.

"Hi Sunshine!" He sounded cheerful.

I was floored by his choice of my nickname. But this time I would not get melt by his chocolatey looks or sugary voice.

"Delete it" I commanded.

"Delete what?" He sounded puzzled.

"Now! Delete your Facebook post that you have tagged me into!" I commanded.

"But why? I want the whole world to know that you are my inspiration!" He argued back.

"You should have courtesy to atleast talk to my parents before exploding the world with the knowledge of our dating!" I argued. I felt like killing him.

"You are coming into conclusion too quickly. First listen to me. Actually.."

I cut him off by cutting my phone in between before he could give me any useless reasons of his. I started getting more and more phone calls. From office colleagues, from collage and school friends (even those with whom I haven't even talked for years!)

I was about to turn my vehicle towards the home but I spotted a familiar face walking on the sideways. Was that him?

Nishchay looked at me and exclaimed

And suddenly I felt like I have found my best friend again.

✔️Kuhu's Secret Crushes (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now