Anatomy (Richie Tozier x Reader

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"C'mon babe, a break won't hurt!"

You lifted your head off the table, looking up at the boy who was tracing the outline of the wrinkles on your palm. He was already looking at you with a playful smile on his face.

"Richie, you're the one who made me forget to study for this damn test anyways. Don't talk to me about breaks."

It's not like you meant to be snappy, but while you were studying last night you were interupted by a series of rocks being tossed at your window. You were met with none other than your boyfriend, Richie Tozier, as he flopped into your bedroom and insisted you cuddled him on your bed rather than studying for your test. At the time, sleeping next to Richie sounded like a really good way to spend your night.

That was a big mistake.

You promised yourself you'd wake yourself up an hour earlier so you could actually study, but Richie's morning voice was so soothing as he called you back to bed, and his arms were so inviting as he pulled you back into his chest.

This resulted in you being late to first period, so you just decided to skip the class and spend the next hour cramming for your quiz.

"Jesus Christ, I'm never skipping with you again." He laughed, which made you even more angry at the brunette.

"If you want to go to class you can take this as your que. I didn't ask you to ditch with me."

"Oh please, you're fucking crazy if you think I'm gonna spend another hour in Mr. Mac's gym class again. He made me do 60 pushups when I forgot my gym shoes!"

Richie was getting louder and louder, and if the Librarian heard the two of you bickering in the back of the Libarary she would report you to the office for skipping, and the last thing you needed to stress about was how you were gonna explain a detention to your parents.

You reached over the table to slap your hand over your boyfriend's mouth.

"Okay! I get it! Just keep quiet for the next 30 minutes while I work." You hissed, practically breaking your neck to see if the Librarian had heard you two.

Richie pressed a kiss to your hand, then gently removed your fingers from his face.

"Y'know, I read in my anatomy textbook that kissing relieves stress. Anatomy is science, right?! And since I'm the best boyfriend ever, I need you to make out with me. Don't worry though, it's for science. So you're still staying on topic, and you're not such a stick in the mud! It's a win win!"

He was giving you his signature goofy smile, and you realised he probably had a point.

Ignoring the fact this was simallar to the stunt he pulled last night, you looked at him in the eyes and stated;

"Richie Tozier, I think that's the best idea you've had all week."

Leaning over the table once more, you placed your hands firmly on his cheeks and pulled him in for a kiss. He responded instantly, wrapping his fingers around your neck to pull you in deeper. Richie smiled into the kiss, loving that he won the argument, and felt his heart skip a beat when you sighed and tangled your fingers in his curls. Your lips were dancing against his and he felt like he was on fire. It certainly wasn't your first kiss, considering you two have been dating since 7th grade, but everytime he felt your smooth lips roll over his slightly dry ones, he fell for you all over again.

You slowly pulled away, eyes still shut as you released his hair from your grip as you slowly returned back into your seat.

"I wish that would've worked. I'm still stressed as fuck, and I only have 20 minutes left! Please help me study!"

Richie sighed as he picked up your old notes, this was going to be the longest 20 minutes of his life.

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