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Catherine's POV

"No later than this week, you hear, I want my darn money, you-" My landlord was cut off with my door slamming in his face,a sigh released my lips. This week?


How on God's Earth am I going to get three thousand dollars in this week only, and I don't even have $5 to buy a pack of tampads, I means, my freaking menstration is coming in a week or two!!

I toss my shoes to the side of the night stand then dropped my bag on the floor. Plopping my self on the bed, I reached for the chip that laid underneath my pillow.

"I thought I had lost you three days ago, well, " I pushed the chip in my mouth, before stating, "Still fresh!"

"I'm home!" Sam chirped from the door.

I flew out of bed, rushing to meet her. I quickly took her bag, and placed it on the door hook.

"Guess what!?" She looked at me happily, her green-blue eyes sparkled and darkened as I shrugged my shoulders, "You're officially looking at the new manager of 'Sweets and Thing' !" She jumped, screaming, I soon joined her.

"Really OMG!!" I chirped as well.

"Yes!!" She replied.

"What happened to Harry, the old manager?" I asked as soon as we stop jumping.

"He slid and broke his ass bone, I don't think he's getting it repaired anytime soon, so they gave the position to the employee of the month,which is yah gurl!" She explained, causing me to laugh out loud, holding my gut.


"I feel so bad for Harry, his ass bone broke!" I laughed again.

"Well he had it coming,dude was an ass!" She hissed walking to the kitchen.

"Waitwaitwait, you mean the Harry that had spit in my coffee?" I asked, immediately stop pitying him.

"Yes, him" She answered.

"Horsehat Harry?" I question again.


"His neck should've broke too," I sneered causing Sam to laugh at my face expression.

We were soon seated in the living room, where I asked the big question I wanted to ask from she had broke the news, "So how's your pay check looking, did it double, triple?"

She shook her head, 'no'.


"Boss Lee said that my pay check will remain constant until he sees me doing a great job -probably - a better job than horsehat Harry!" She told me sipping the coffee I had just made her a few minutes back.

"What kind of bullcrap is that?"

"I have no idea" she shrugged, "What about you, did you find anything today?"

"Nada! But-"

"But what?"

"I did get into a fight with a handsome narcissistic, little fart!"

"Catherine, what I tell you about behaving like a civilised person!" She scolded.

"Well, he had it coming, I mean, this dude was a worm, in the ass!!"

I rolled my eyes.

"Sooooo....." Sam trailed off.


"How hot was he?"

"Ohh girl, hell hot!"

"That hot?"

"Yep, and I'm talking HOT HOT!"

"Ooooooooo, you liked him?"

"Well I would've................if he wasn't such an ass!"

"I gotcha!"

"Hey Sam,turn the television on!"

"Ohh alright!" she answered, turning it on with the remote, and as soon as she did, there it was, right on the screen my face.

"What the hell are you doing on TV?" Sam screamed.

"Shhhhhh!" I silenced her.

The reporter then stated, "Billionaire Alejandro Vincento then commented that the fiesty girl he had just got into a fight with was infact his girlfriend, bed partner, soon to become wife and his mother of his soon born baby!" They then showed the clip of him saying so.

"Yes everybody that beautiful fiesty lady back there was girlfriend my bed partner and will soon become my wife," he had paused for a sec, before stating again, "Plus she's the mother to my soon born baby," he stopped then looked into the camera like he knew that I would've seen it, "And I do hope that I can show you guys-even the world-her beautiful face once more!"

The reporter then popped up back on the screen before stating, "We've heard it from the man himself, but the world still wants to know, who is this mysterious woman , but for now it's over to you Henry!"

Sam shut the TV off before facing me, her coffee mug was broken and was on the floor, coffee staining the carpet.

"Wait what?" She asked.

"Umm, he was the hot guy I got into a fight with but I swear I've never slept with him before, gosh I don't even know him!" I started explaining myself, like Sam was my mother.

"I know that,because, if you had lose your virginity to a hot Billionaire, you would've told me!" She narrowed it down.


"But why would he lie?" She asked.

"Because he's an ass!"

"You're totally right!"


Alejandro's POV

"Who's that?!!!" Maria my real girlfriend screamed.

"My wife, " I replied bluntly.

"I'm your wife!"

"No you're not, that tittle got taken away,from the day I caught you doing it with your bodyguard!"

"But it's your baby!" She shrieked.

"No, and again you're wrong, because I haven't touched you for nine months,and for some reason, you're three months pregnant, is it me or something just don't add up!"

"I-i-i-i!" She shuttered.

"I- I what, huh, what maria, now I told you that you're days with me were numbered, and guess what, they just ran out, now get out!!"

"Baby please, it was him who tried to come on to me, and like you had said, you haven't touched me for months,I was desperate- and I wanted to teach you a lesson!" She crawled up to me, begging on her knees.

"You know a real woman never fall on her knees too easily!"

"I'm sorry," she flew up, brushing off her knees.

"Nor apologise, please get out, or I'll throw you out my self, and believe me, I will drag you down these stairs by your hair!"

She grasp before stomping out, her heals clicking on the tiled floors, "You'll be back, you always come back, you can't stay away too long!" She screeched walking out.


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