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Catherine's POV

We all sat in silence in the room that was not given to us, but taken. Sam kept throwing worried glances my way, in fact they all were.

Marcus, Elijah, Isiah, and Stephane, all kept looking at me. And I just sat on the bed edge looking aimlessly through the window. I felt.....

How do I feel??


Nahh, couldn't be it.

Maybe a little disappointed. I always thought that Alejandro was an outspoken guy. Guess I thought wrong.

A grunt escaped my lips, and a curse word followed.

"Is she alright?" Stephane questioned Sam. She looked over at me, however I didn't look back, but she did answer him saying,

"Yeah, she's probably over there pondering on how to make Alejandro suffer for not giving a damn about her cause I sure am!"

I wanted to crack a smile, presumably because her face expression was priceless, but I couldn't, because as she guessed it, I am pondering on how to make that bug-faced, inhuman person pay for his crimes that he had committed against me.

And I had it.

It was a little thing that I think the author of this book had forgotten since a whole lot a shit happened, namely,  I got shot in the legs then had to be dragged all the way to a private island. As you guessed it.

Annabelle Castle

A smirk literally grew on my face.

"Oh my god, w-what is that? What is she doing?" Marcus tap Sam's shoulder rather violently, while moving further away from me.

"That my little bean is an idea being formed," Sam answered. Damn!! She knew me too well!!

"Guess what my little nut just thought of," I sprinted off the bed and infront of my curious subjects.

"What?" Elijah, seemed as if he couldn't hold it any longer

"Common spill it," Sam whined.

"It's killing me, "

"Say something woman!!"

My smirk grew a little wider, "Nahh, let it burn some more,"

"CATHERINE TAYLOR!!" They all said in unison.

"Okay, okay, you guys know Annabelle right?"

They all gasped before nodding their heads briskly.

"Yeah, she's the girl that played Alejandro, I mean big time!!!" Isiah exclaimed

"Yeah, i mean she left him at the alter, and ran away with his best friend Larry Landscape," Elijah filled me in. My eyes widen.

"Not to mention, that she's a manipulative cunt, we all know how she claimed that she couldn't carry Alejandro's child, it turned out that she'd abort the baby then said that it was a miscarriage and that she couldn't carry it," Marcus fold his arms across this chest.

"Now that's stone cold," Stephane shook his head.

My brain froze, "She really did that to him?"

"Yep, even I feel like shit, and it didn't even happen to me," Elijah mumbled.

"And you know what makes it even more messed up, he has this dairy that he writes about her," Isiah intrigued.

"We know," the rest of us replied.

"It's not really a secret," Sam shook her head with a little smile lingering on her lips, "And guess where I'd last seen it??"


"In his luggage,"

"Wait, you mean that he carried it with him, on this trip? Now? Here? Today?" I questioned.

"Mhmm," Sam shook her head, before getting up and walking to her luggage that she'd brought up with her, in rummaging through her stuff she smirked saying, "And guess which bad bitch stole it!!" With that she whipped it out stating, "BAM!!"

This just got a whole lot better!!!


Well you all wanted an update!!!

Feast yourself away.

I'll update soon.

Send in ur questions for question and answer please!!!!

Quick small edit

I realized that readers hate this chapter of the book because it's less quirky and more realistic.

Now sorry if you didn't enjoy it but like it or not, things are not always gonna be cupcake and rainbows. Bad shit happens. And as far as Alejandro is concerned this woman loved him. And even though his family could've seen that she was a manipulative liar, he couldn't because we all know love is blind.

Now some of you may find the chapter very boring. But I wanted to step away from rude remarks and gimmicks and give you a little taste of  the real world

This chapter was an informative chapter that you're gonna need in the nearing future of this book, that is if you stick around.

Sorry for the long ranting but I just wanted to clear some things up.

Love you guys still!!!

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