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Catherine's POV

In the time of my period, Alejandro was very helpful full, and some how, manages to make me laugh, he was considerate and always worried, a side to him, that I didn't knew exited, and believe it or not, in that short time, I knew that there was more to him than being a perverted jackass!

A smile took over my lips as I handed him the coffee, he took it rubbing his eyes, "What are you doing out of bed, are you feeling better?" He asked, showing the soft side of him again.

"Yes, everything is gone and I'm period free, you don't have to worry!"

"Good, now can I have my chocolate waffles with whip cream!" He whined, a chuckle escaped my mouth, "They're, ready and are waiting down stairs,"

"Why didn't you say so earlier," he flew out of bed and entered the bathroom quickly, I walked out with a smile still evident on my lips, wait a minute, why am I smiling at the man I hate??

Catherine, don't get too soft, he'll take you for a fool!!!

I carried on downstairs before placing the empty coffee mug in the sink, I'll just wash it later. A few mintues later, Alejandro, was trotting down the stairs, looking handsome as always, a smile gracing his face, "So you liked the suit,?" I asked, nodding to his breakfast, "Yes, black is and will always be my color!" I shook my head at him as he gobbled down the waffles, "Breakfast was lovely, but I have to get going, see you tonight??" "Yeah, I'll be here, stuck in the big house all by myself-,hey, can I go to the mall today?" His brow crease together like he was in deep thinking before he answered, "No, I'm gonna need you here to prepare some steak, you know for dinner, probably another day, probably!" I rolled my eyes at him, "But why can't i-" "Please," he interrupted me, "I was enjoying my morning, just please don't turn it into one of my worst mornings, okay?" I rolled my eyes at him before trotting off to the living room, "Just get your lazy ass out of here!" "Okay, goodbye!" He left, and a few minutes later, I heard his car sped off down the streets, and once again, for two weeks and a half, I was alone in this large house, having nothing to do, work,was a no no , I'm not cleaning the whole east wing today, I have to save all that energy for dinner, so, it's best if I do a little snooping, yeah, but where, it has to be a place where Alejandro doesn't allow me to enter-his office!! Yeah, wat a great way to start off my day!!

I climbed the stairs slowly a little bit perked up about me snooping in his office, finally, I reached his office door, where I pushed the door open, yes!!it's unlocked!! I walked inside, still a little dazzled with the design and look, but went right into action by searching his drawers, and in opening them, I found a small note pad, ha!! Alejandro has a dairy, never could of guessed it!!

Read it
Read it
Read it

My mind sang.

But I really shouldn't-ahh, to hell with it!!

I skip open the book only to be met with beautiful cursive hand writing.

January 1, 2017

  Today I accidentally bumped into a small, yet beautiful woman, her eyes were large and round, and her lips, full and red, her blond hair laid flawlessly on her head as she looked up at me with a pleasant smile.

"Watch it there handsome,!" Was the first words that had left her mouth, and even now, even though it had happened a few hours back, I still felt touched by her voice.

I don't know her, and I don't know why, but, I want to meet this small beauty, again.


My mind screeched, so Alejandro, did love some one, by now, I was sitting in his chair, as I flipped to the next page curious to see what happened next.

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