Entry #97 (10/20/19) For Mr. F.

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Dear Future Husband,

I'm just warning you in advance of my PMS. By that, I meant my pre-menstrual syndrome. Which is so annoying about me. Actually no one else know this about me, but there are two phases of Krizia. Which of course I'll explain to you, for you to understand me better.

Ok, so here it goes...

Phase 1: Manic phase. On the first two weeks of the month (this actually depends on when my menstruation started and ended), I would be in a very good mood. Like literally in a good mood, that no matter how annoying you are I would just let it pass because I'm feeling elated. This would be the times when I'm glowing and always smiling or laughing. I'd be so generous and helpful on these days. I'd be very gentle and I like to act cute. No signs of an impending argument here because I not going to be mad at you or anyone else.

Phase 2: Aggressive and Depressed phase. This is the phase where you should be very careful when your around me. Because I tend to get annoyed even on small things like waiting for my food to be served and etc. I would constantly feel so sad and heavy throughout this phase and I'd cry a lot even on small things for no reason. I'll be very moody and dramatic at this phase, and I might hurt your feelings when you annoy me. So yeah. Don't you dare do something stupid during this phase or else your getting yourself into a fight with me. Just a tip for you my love, it helps me let loose when someone else would make an effort to cheer me up. Just please don't be annoying when I'm at this phase, I tell you. I'm another person when I'm mad.

And when I'm extremely mad. You won't even hear a word from me, I just instantly leave. And I won't tell you where I'll be. That's how I cool off. So let me leave when I'm angry. And don't approach me when I'm still mad. I want some space to simmer down my anger. When I've finally cool off (about an hour or two from the breakdown), that's your chance to make it up to me. Know that when I know I was wrong, I'd be guilty and I'd apologize first. But when you were at fault, I'll be mad at you not until you say you were sorry.

And that was it. I hope this will help us in the future.

How about you? What are the phases of your personality?

Wifey (@22)

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