Ms. Shiota

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This is going to be a long parent-teacher conference

With Saiki (Limited)

"Trekking up the mountain is quite a journey, you must be tired" Koro-Sensei spoke awkwardly as he tried to avoid all direct eye-contact with his student's mother.

'Going up is the hard part, going down hurts, especially if you have someone kicking you down,' Saiki kept to himself, he was trying to hold back any form of anger towards Ms. Shiota but her face made it so hard to not want to kick her.

"Might I offer you a beverage?" he asked formally, Saiki was being sour. 'Why am I never offered a beverage? I work here.'

Though from the two adults and one high school student in the room, the kid who they were talking about: Nagisa, was the worst out of all. Embarrassed and shocked he just kept quiet.

'I guess it's kinda convincing' he thought.

'No it really isn't' Saiki told him, but with that one rude remark, Nagisa seemed to perk up.

"If I may say so madam, you're quite stunning," he said, Saiki didn't bother holding back a roll-of-eyes. 'Flattery, because that always works.'

"I see where Nagisa gets his looks,"

'That could be taken wrong in so many different levels,'

But that didn't seem to help as Ms. Shiota gasped, or maybe it did. because her crazed gasp ended in a "Why thank you." she reached to her son and played with his ponytails.

"You know, if only this one had been born a girl, I'd have groomed her to be my ideal!" she said happily, as Saiki's eyes snapped open in anger.

'What the hell is that supposed to mean?' he tried not to vocalize his anger. "Not quite sure I follow you,"

Koro-Sensei looked surprised. "Well you see, I was never allowed to wear my hair long, and a girl is so much prettier with flowing locks." Saiki held himself back from attacking, as she let Nagisa's hair down.

"Oh Nagisa, what I wouldn't give to have lovely, full-bodied hair."

'If you don't leave now, you won't even have a full body to go with it.'

"I was so mad when he began to tie it back," she said sorrowfully, and it seemed like Koro-Sensei and Saiki finally agreed on something other than sweets.

"But he said it was for school, so I couldn't disagree. But it looks so good I just had to let it slide as long as he didn't cut it all off," Ms. Shiota was practically living through her son.

"But, ah!" she got back on point, Koro-Sensei nor Saiki looked too happy about anything she was doing, "We're here to discuss his future. We can't afford to discourage them at this age, they're far too impressionable in my experience."

"Are you familiar with Kei U? They have been accepting several graduates from Kunugigaoka High School. The place I would adore to send Nagisa to,"

"Though being in this class would ruin his classes, and with all due to your respect, to talk about what we can do to get him out of E-Class,"

•The Assassin's Teacher•  ((Saiki K. x Assassination Classroom Crossover))Where stories live. Discover now