Work Work Work.

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As of right now, I have zero clues what I'm doing.

And, my OHSHC x Saiki K book just came out! Check it out!

With Saiki (Limited)

It didn't take long for Saiki to get back to work-- against his will, he means--, powers back or not. He was jumped kicked and booted out of the hospital, as the government set him up a wheelchair to plow through the mountains and go back to killing a squid.

'This is stupid,' Saiki said as he sat in the chair and read a magazine, while he was being pushed up by Karasuma who spoke, "I can't believe they'd send someone in your position come back to work," he muttered, as he looked down on Saiki who read a page of Assassination Classroom, before the page glitched into one from My Hero Academia.

He cursed and sat the book on his lap, 'You and me both' he wanted to say though his powers only let small parts of words enter into someone's brain.

Saiki in his 'almost killed me, not the octopus' days he had missed a grand total of a week of teaching and classes.

But on most of his unwanted days off, he mostly was trying to get his arms to lift up more than just his fists, but the government was getting to a point of desperation as they sent a sick kid back to work, it didn't matter if he was useful or not, they just wanted the comfort of knowing they put a once psychic back on duty.

"Sorry, not much I can do about it." Karasuma wheeled him into the classroom, as his students watched him intently. Now handed with a gun and not a knife, since long-range combat was better than short range.

Koro-Sensei then went in, and the class was about to begin all over again.

"We're doing a drama festival," Isogai who stood in front of the classroom said, as the class repeated what he said in shock.

"But we're about to take high school entrance exams," Maehara complained, as Isogai shrugged. "I know, I know," he tried to comfort "I did complain to the student council, Asano quickly fired back though," he complained.

"Asano, the dirtbag's kid right?" Saiki's voice lowly cracked, as he slummed in his seat, not used to speaking with his vocal cords and their natural doing of trying to ruin even more his social life.

Rio and her hand laying across her face as she smirked, "At least he gave us respect," is what he told the boys, 'I would like some respect around here' Saiki was about to say but chose that best to say it later. Plus he didn't want to speak, from his horrid position at the moment, and the silent world around him that he doesn't have to wear a ring for, he thought best to enjoy the moment if he ever gets his powers back.

"And you can be the leading lady Nagisa!" Karma said with a poster of a more feminine looking Nagisa on the cover, "Just, y'know throwin' it out there." his voice held a smile as well as his face.

"What about Kayano?" Kanzaki asked as the green-haired girl perked up, "The preschoolers adored you, you had 'em on the edge of their seats," she spoke up as Saiki looked up to Koro-Sensei who wavily moved his tentacles around, "When you were training," he told the boy.

Saiki looked down, where was that old gangsta lady anyways? He'll have to call the retirement home soon to find out.

Though as Kaede was about to disagree, Terasaka spoke up.

"That ain't gonna play in junior high," he said correctly but rudely. "People need to identify with the main character, and you're too short." he laughed, but quickly got quiet when Kaede threw a bag to the face, "I'd rather be handling props anyway," she wiped her hands.

Saiki chucked a bit, while Isogai looked over the room. "So for the main crew Mimura will direct, and Hazam will write, naturally."

"Thoughts on our leads?" the class leader asked, as Koro-Sensei flushed pink, the class quickly loaded and aimed their weapons.

"You're supposed to be a state secret!" Okajima yelled, "This is our play! No adults allowed!" Maehara yelled as they began to shoot the monster who only dodged.

"But I have the makings of a phenomenal lead!" he tried to reason, as Saiki lowered his body down to not get hit by the bullets. "What if this is my one and only shot?" he asked as Saiki cocked his gun.

"We have plenty of shots for you," he fired as well.

"That's not what I meant!" Koro-Sensei cried.

"Alright then," The usually anti-social girl; Kirara said "I have a play," Koro-Sensei stopped and a bit of pink went with his yellow head.

"One where you can be without upstaging us. Everyone's happy," Koro-Sensei began to turn pink once more as he began to crazily laugh and his usual closed mouth smile turned open and horrifying.

"Sounds like a plan!" Isogai agreed. "Let's put on a show the liked of which those main campus chimps have never seen!" Maehara smiled.

‧͙⁺˚*  ⁺‧͙

Though not long past before the play was ready, as the entire school was ready to watch the show.

Saiki was on the gym floor still in his chair behind of some A or B class assholes.

"I say we eat loudly and sneer through the entire prefromance!" he sneered, as he soon yelped from Saiki slapping him on the head.

"How about you grow up, and stop being so narsassitic?" Saiki asked as the boy raised his fist, but was soon quiet as the preformance began.

"A peach," it was Koro-Sensei head, "The greastest medical minds are baffled," Kanzaki with a white wig said, "But by some miracle there's a baby growing inside."

'Is a peach some sort of lady?'

The lights flickered where another student Sugino who was standing in a rich buisnessy way, "Upon hearing this, the old man's eyes lit up,"

'Oh so he looks young, but really his clothes are the only old thing he has,'

"'Exilent' he thought 'this peach will bring riches'," she narrated, "What a stroke of luck! A miracle indeed," Sugino said with stretched arms. "People will pay good money to see this peach!"

'No we won't'

Sugino was greedy, but the bakground was soon changed to a bunch of papers.

"Divorce papers," Ritsu said, "The old woman had been thinking of leaving him for some time. His greed, choice of words, and complere disregard for child welfare--,"

'Sound a bit like Endevor Todoroki, if you ask me,' Saiki gave himself side comments throughout the play.

But as the play continued and Saiki watched he had a pounding headache, it was like on of his precognitions, but the images wouldn't go through into his thoughts, and he didn't know what was coming, but it was going to be soon and disasterous.

Though as the fake groans from Sugino went from the stage, he wasn't sure if it was actually the precognition or the play. Though as good as the play was, Saiki was begining to fear what was to happen if he didn't get this precognition, as he quietly wheeled out of the gym, to get the message into his head.

•The Assassin's Teacher•  ((Saiki K. x Assassination Classroom Crossover))Where stories live. Discover now