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With Saiki (Limited)

Sure he had other plans in life, hearing a few times that Hairo and Kuboyasu wanting to be teachers...Saiki thought that could be a good path too... maybe as a side gig, but he'd probably need to think it out when there isn't people dying in his 200-meter radius.

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Saiki wasn't sure how long he's been knocked out for now, as he couldn't tell who was winning or losing, as he heard speeches and groans collectively over the time his eyes were closed, and the sense of hearing was the only useful thing he could do to try to get a collective understanding of what was going on.

"These children!" Saiki heard from Koro-Sensei yelling towards Yanagisawa, taking to fact that he wouldn't ever yell at his students in that way, "Have risked life and limb to save me! Even the eldest out of the bunch took a shot from the Reaper all for me and the students!" Koro-Sensei screamed towards the man who wore white, that at some point must have said something to piss off Koro-Sensei about the students being a 'nuisance' or 'pest' or something. Saiki didn't know what he said though as words began to overlap hazily, he knew soon enough that he'd go fully unconscious soon.

"What they have gone through just to be here tonight is extraordinary!" Koro-Sensei was gritting through his teeth, Saiki even wondered from Koro-Sensei's voice, if he was even smiling any more, as when he frowned, you knew you were fucked, but how 'fucked' was Shiro and the Reaper? Not much, Saiki had presumed as they clearly had the upper hand, awake or not.

"Their determination, their unflappable spirit, students like these are the greatest gifts a teacher could ever ask for. And a co-worker who was brought out of the blue, and was hurt through the progress never gave up!" Koro-Sensei sounded like he was going to cry soon out of anger or tiredness, or just of pure fear.

"They are not a hindrance! Nor are they a weakness!" Saiki heard students cry, Saiki's waterworks even started to leak, considering he didn't even know what Shiro had said, Saiki was probably physically hurting, not emotionally. Even though he couldn't feel anything at the moment, maybe when he'd wake up, he would.

'Yeah, that's it.'

"They are-- and will always be my class! And I am proud of teaching each and every single one of them! If they were meant to be students are not-- I care for them as no other would, when times went tough, or in need of a solution!" he yelled so loudly, that Saiki wouldn't be surprised that the entire nation heard, now that Saiki was thinking about the 'nation' and such, with the nations half-back stabbers, what the fuck happened to Karasuma and Jelavic.

Saiki internally shrugged at the matter, they went running to stop Shiro at some point, but it's not like they returned, Saiki would feel bad if they were dead.

"You can call it what you will, but when the chips are all down, I will give them everything-- my own life if necessary -- just to protect them!"

The Second Reaper growled lowly, the vibrations shook the ground ever so slightly that Saiki could feel, but it didn't seem to produce any more attacks since there was no yelling or groans, or even any commands from Yanagisawa. It was just a means to show that they should be scared-- and Reaper 2.0 shouldn't worry, because everyone that was once or working in E-Class was scared shitless.

"Yes, yes, that's all fine, good for you, I say. So dutiful of you-- and the boy, where ever he is. Alive is he? Maybe not, not for long anyway." The students gasped like only now they remembered the teenage pink-haired teacher went soaring through the air, and landed in a bush after saving all their asses, so they have a better chance of seeing the rays of daylight instead of him.

'Thanks, you guys seem to give a crap,'

"Whatever he wasn't of great importance to this project anyway--," Shiro said, but Koro-Sensei didn't think of speaking up, though Saiki could sense the newly added thickness in the air, "I'm afraid, we have to deny you even that satisfaction, you see, your strength will run out soon, and which point the children you have remaining, the 'students' you can say...let's just say... their future won't be as bright as you would have hoped."

Saiki felt the dangerous drop of Shiro's voice, "Everything you have gained over the last year, you have gained my destroying lives, and I will take it to myself to ensure that was all for nothing! Then and only then will my revenge be completed!"

'That's a really stupid plot point to lead yourself on.'

"Now, let's continue... Where were we?" he asked simply, the voice was so soft he almost has trouble hearing it, "Yes, of course! Mind that you pay close attention." Saiki didn't have trouble hearing his voice now, as a sort of whipped sound took place and then a thud, followed by a few grunts, that came from Koro-Sensei.

The student then began to scramble saying something, but Saiki put too much energy listening into the fight, that he lost all strength to listen any more.

The world went blotchy and silent again.

He was sure he'd wake up, but he wasn't sure when or where maybe he'd wake up on the other side, he didn't fear death. He just didn't want to face it.

•The Assassin's Teacher•  ((Saiki K. x Assassination Classroom Crossover))Where stories live. Discover now