Chapter 1

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Welcome to book 4 of The Golden Prodigies Series. The next book in the series is *Lunar Whispers*!! (This book has NOT been edited and was written years ago, so you will find: spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes, wrong tenses etc.)

- Sian

415 years later.

The baby boys are now five months old.

Over the years, the couples have adapted to looking after babies. At first, it was hard because this was a very new and daunting time in their lives.

But they got the hang of it and now they can't imagine a life without their children.

Rayvon's hair started thinning out at one stage but rich black hair is starting to take its place.

Luka hasn't had any change in his hair colour yet, but his eyes have changed and they're magnificent.

Whenever anyone sees his eyes, they're the first thing they comment about.

His right eye is a vibrant sparkly blue and his left eye is a bright swirling gold.

Panuleon and Corey couldn't believe it when they started to develop in this way, but the added black and gold wings make's the baby look like a very different child.

But a good different.

Everyone thinks it's because Corey's power is on the surface, therefore, Luka's is too.

Rayvon's eyes are exactly the same as Oliver's.

Big, green and beautiful.

They were both developing little personalities too.

Luka was a rather quiet and shy little baby while Rayvon was loud and liked to pull on anyone's hair if they got close enough.

They couldn't say any words yet but they could sometimes imitate certain sounds. They could both laugh and smile.

Madison said that within the next few months, the baby will roll over and learn how to sit and support their heads by themselves.

Luka's little wings were growing but he wouldn't be able to use them, they're still much too small. But they do flap when he gets excited or if he's about to cry.

Sometimes when Corey picks him up to see if he needs his nappy changing, he'll flap his little wings and accidentally hit him in the face.

Panuleon laughs at this, every time.

This generation of people has grown up with the babies being there and they love to fuss over them and get extremely excited when they're spotted out of the mansion.

It was now lunchtime in the Vanderwood mansion and everyone was sitting around the grand dining table.

Madison, John, and Duke sat on one side as Vinny, Oliver, Corey and Panuleon sat on the other.

The babies were lying on a mat next to the fireplace. They were lying next to each other and were surrounded by little toys of all texture and colour.

They were very good at keeping each other company.

Over the years, Vinny's speech got a lot worse.

It was only a few weeks ago that he finally plucked up the courage to talk to his parents about it and ask for a speech therapist.

They were very understanding and were pleased that he came and asked for help.

"If you even think about moving those Olive's closer, I will make you eat the entire bowl," Oliver said as Vinny's devilish grin showed when his hand edged closer. "I mean it."

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