Chapter 76

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Oliver looked horrified.

But he saw Scarlet step in front of her brother and take the impact of the knife so he didn't have to.

It decapitated her but at least she didn't suffer. Although, Kyran would soon die and he wouldn't understand why.

He quickly ran over to his soulmate, it was too dangerous to dwell on it now.

"Vinny get up, we have to keep going," Oliver said and avoided looking at her head. He pulled Vinny to his feet but the vampire felt so overwhelmed and so traumatised that he turned and threw up all over the snow.

Oliver rubbed his back, he didn't know were Madison and Duke were. They would surely break down if they saw their daughter like this.

As Vinny continued to be sick, Luka and Rayvon charged towards the demon leader.

He hellhound glanced behind him as Mila launched towards them, but Rayvon revealed his power just in time.

He lifted a hand and immediately pushed her out of the way.

This slowed him down but little Luka had found his confidence and ran straight into the demon leader.

He was knocked off balance and fell while Luka grabbed the instrument.

He turned and threw it to Rayvon, just as the demon leader grabbed him.

"Say goodbye" He growled and grabbed his neck. His eyes were black and he was full of sinister intentions.

He positioned his hands to snap the half angels neck but just as he did so, Rayvon launched the instrument at him in desperation.

The heavy clamp hit him straight in the face.

He dropped Luka and stumbled back.

Rayvon steadied his soulmate but Mila picked the instrument back up.

"Admit it, you've lost" She yelled with a smirk. "You can't beat us."

The world around the kids was chaos. People were dying, blood was spilt, limbs were lost and it was all for them. They couldn't lose. They felt too pressured to do everything in their power to succeed.

They had a destiny and today, they would fulfill it.

"I love you Rayvon," Luka thought.

"I love you too."

They glanced at one another and now, it was time to unleash their powers but just as they were about to get started, Mila stabbed the air with the instrument and slashed it down, creating a huge tear in the fabric of the two worlds.

Everything seemed to jump off balance as Luka flew in one direction and Rayvon flew in the other.

The tear instantly wobbled and suddenly opened up.

It made a loud noise, stopping everyone in their tracks.

Vinny was on his knees and breathing heavy from what he just witnessed. His sister died to protect him and he was actually really struggling to deal with seeing her in such a horrific way.

But he and Oliver turned to see what that loud noise was.

The ground was lightly vibrating as Luka and Rayvon landed about twenty meters apart.

The rest of the family had also stopped and watched with terror. The demons have done it, they've opened a tear too fast and the fabric between the two worlds was going to collapse.

But this couldn't be it, could it?

The demons can't just win like this.

Luka scrambled to his feet and watched Rayvon do the same.

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