Chapter 28

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Jed had bought a huge lamp that was powered by batteries. He was aware that Luka and Oliver are not fond of the dark and wanted to make their trip as comfortable as possible.

It was now half ten at night and everyone was sitting in the tent with hot chocolate and snuggled inside their sleeping bags.

It was pitch black outside but the big lamp made it nice and bright inside.

Oliver was wearing a bobble hat that Vinny loved so much. He had a hoody on and the sleeping bag pulled right up to his chest.

It was a little cold, but the humans were doing well.

Rayvon and Luka were sharing just one sleeping bag. Luka was sitting on his knee which was nothing new, they did that when they were little.

But now things were different because they had feelings for one another. It made every close encounter very special.

"Luka, your toes are so cold" Rayvon chuckled.

"I know" He smiled. "They feel cold."

Rayvon then leant over and rummaged through his bag. It only took him a few seconds before he pulled out some socks that were small enough to be Luka's.

"I knew your feet would get cold so I brought you extra one's."

"Thanks" Luka grinned. They know each other so well.

He took the socks and made sure their fingers brushed across each other. Every time their skin touched it felt so wonderful and warm, right in the pit of their soul.

"Have we got plans for tomorrow?" Panuleon then asked, just before Luka's wings exploded into Rayvon's face.

He quickly folded them and apologised.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't control it."

"It's okay" Rayvon smiled.

"We forgot to wash your wings," Corey said. "Can you hold on until morning or are they really irritating you?"

"I can wait if I don't put them away again," Luka said with a little nod.

Rayvon knew that they were very itchy and irritating him but he didn't want to burden his parents right now because it was late.

"Are you sure?" Panuleon asked. He could read his son like a book.

"I'm sure" He smiled.

"If they get too annoying during the night, I'll wash them for you. It's not a problem" Jed said.


Luka was happy that uncle Jed was prepared to help with absolutely anything.

Rayvon could feel the warmth of his feathers against his chest and for some reason, it filled him with so much love.

For someone who is almost human to have wings was very spectacular. He knew how rare and special this part of Luka was and he cherished his unique qualities.

To think about his best friend being part of an angel was enough to fill him with pride. Only three full angels currently existed in this world.

Panuleon, Jeduthun, and Zachariah.

So to connect the world's strongest bond with the world's only half angel was something to be very excited about.

When the boy shivered, Rayvon pulled the sleeping bag further up his chest.

"So yes Panuleon, we do have plans for tomorrow" Duke then said, remembering to answer his question. "We were thinking about having a picnic next to a beautiful waterfall. We have reserved the spot so it's not open to anyone but us."

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