Chapter 22

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When the angels landed in the dining room, they immediately tended to Luka.

He was shaking with his head buried into Panuleon's shoulder. The angel put Corey down and sat on the couch with his son.

Rayvon pulled away from Jed and hurried over.

As soon as he rested his hand on Luka's shoulder, the boy turned and buried himself into Rayvon's chest. They instantly wrapped their arms around each other.

He swapped places with Panuleon so Luka was sitting on his lap instead.

It appeared that the boys really needed each other's comfort in times of such stress.

Rayvon rubbed Luka's back as he gripped onto his waistcoat. He was shaking but trying so hard to calm himself down.

His soulmates smell was helping a lot and he could hear his soothing thoughts and feel his warm touch.

"Just remember to breathe Luka," Rayvon said, feeling his grip tighten. When a tear slipped from his eye, he sat back on the couch and cuddled into him.

Luka curled up, feeling safe in his arms. He closed his eyes and really focused on the comforts of his best friend.

Just then, the dining room door opened and Madison hurried in.

She looked around and quickly walked over.

"Is everyone okay?" She asked and took Jed's hands.

"Mostly everyone," He said and squeezed her hands back, knowing the alphas would feel responsible because they left the mansion for the day.

The one time they try and get peace to themselves and chaos erupts.

She took her gaze to the boys to see Rayvon trying so hard to calm Luka down.

The poor boy was shaking and gripping him tight.

"Did they corner him?" She asked.

Jed nodded, he was still incredibly angry.

Madison dropped her hands to her side with sadness. Of course, they would go for the weakest. 

"They also pulled out quite a lot of his feathers," Jed said, knowing how much that hurts when it's a clump of them.

Madison clenched her jaw.

"Those basta-"

"Panuleon" Vinny interrupted as he, Oliver, John and Duke entered the dining-room. "Can you heal Oliver?"

The angel looked up and nodded straight away.

"Wait," Oliver said. "Is anyone else injured first?"

"You're injured and that's just as important," Vinny said and pulled him over to the angel.

Panuleon looked at the back of his head and it was just a cut but it was bleeding a lot.

"Do you feel dizzy?" He asked as he gently took the side's of his face in his hands.

"No, I'm fine," Oliver said while looking at the boys who were in their own little world. "Are the boys hurt?"

"I don't know, I'll check when Luka calms down."

Oliver nodded as the cool sensation of the angels healing powers flooded his brain.

Vinny watched, he couldn't cope if he knew Oliver was hurting. Even if it was just a cut.

Duke put his arm around Madison, knowing she could help him to calm down. He was still unbelievably angry.

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