Chapter 48- The Past Affects The Future

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VanderVall Academy- Monday 19th February,2018-

Kathryn Chambers- 6.48am

Kathryn is laying on the left side of the bed and Dallas lays on the right side both of them asleep.

Dallas's dream- The Year 2015

Dallas walks into a big victorian style house with blood dried into his face that dripped down his neck, on his hands and on his clothes. He walks into the house with three people by his side the three people being Kylie Mathison a dangerous and dark Vampire, Rowena Jordan a werewolf who has a vicious bite and Shawn Cruickshank another werewolf who isn't afraid to scratch someone and watch them suffer as they change. Dallas walks through the house and to the main room where Alfonso is sat on a throne like chair with girls around him fanning him and feeding him when he wants.

"Is the job done?" Alfonso asks with both arms raised up as he sees him

"It is indeed" Dallas nods his head walking over to him to which Alfonso meets him halfway. Alfonso joins his hands together and holds them in front of his chest as in a thank you and happy way.

"How did it go?" Alfonso asks as he leads them off to another room

"You have nothing to worry about, Charlie Schnitt is no longer in control of her little band of Vampires" Rowena shares with him with a smile on her face as they walk into the private headquarters to meet with the Leaders.

Alfonso takes a seat in the middle higher chair that is placed further forward to show he is the boss with two medium chairs behind him slightly to the side behind that chairs is four smaller chairs two at each side meaning altogether there is seven smaller chairs for the Leaders.

"More like Dallas slaughtered them all" Kylie corrects her and looks at Dallas who just shrugs his shoulders

"I did my job, they killed ten innocent people for no reason they had to pay for their sins" Dallas shrugs it off like it was nothing and because he doesn't have a soul part of him really doesn't care.

"And that my brother is why you are my second man" Alfonso pipes up with a smile proud of Dallas and how far he has become

"Any time" Dallas nods his head at him

"I think people are beginning to take notice of our doings" Shawn shares with them having heard whispers and seen the change out on the streets.

"Good perhaps people will think twice" Alfonso replies with a smile, and the words he was saying were true. He really wanted people to think twice before killing innocents and revealing their secret to the world. He has lived in this world for three centuries and all he has ever seen is blood and hate out on the streets, he can still remember a time where someone outed the vampires to the world and it was complete carnage. People were terrified to leave their homes, normal people were getting killed after being suspected as being one even though the weren't and he didn't want to see that any more. He came to an agreement with The VanderVall Academy and the headmaster at the time that the VanderVall Academy would support them as long as they stuck by their word and don't let the power get to their head. William Charles VanderVall made a promise that if the power got to The Sacred Eternal Flame Coven then he would abandon their truce and kill them all with no hesitant but to this day The coven has stayed loyal to their word and perhaps they may have went off track a couple of times it was nothing ever severe enough to disregard the agreement.

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