Chapter 5

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In all my years of existence, I'd've never thought that I was capable of finding my soulmate, or that I even had one for that matter. My coven was very keen on the concepts of soulmates, not every witch had one but we'd all grown up learning about it. What to look for. What to expect. And now it was all I could think about.

I hadn't even know Embry for half an hour but he managed to slip into my mind even through all of my attempts to focus on something else. Like my homework for instance, which was due tomorrow. It took about an hour to finish, usually it would only take me about 15 minutes to do, but my mind kept wandering.

After finishing my homework sheets, I went outside into my back garden. My house was surrounded by woods, mostly because I found it fitting to build a house here when I first lived here all that time ago. I liked being secluded from humans but also I loved nature. I could always appreciate it's fine beauty.

Closing my eyes I took a deep breath taking in all the sounds and scents around me. Birds chirping in the trees, squirrels dancing through the leaves, fresh pine drifting all around, with the river rushing across the ground.

The sudden rush of sickly sweet honey filled my nose which caused me to open my eyes. Alert. I scanned around the forest before my eyes focused on a figure across the river. Across the treaty line. It took a second for my eyes to recognise the flawless face of Alice Cullen. Then I smelt the woodsy smell of the wolves lurking in the tree line, I knew she smelt them too.

"I need to talk to you," she whispered knowing I could hear her and I nodded.

Closing my eyes again, I imagined that I was standing next to Alice. I knew she couldn't cross over so I would make it easier for us to chat. In a nanosecond I was standing peacefully beside her and she smiled.

"You can teleport!" She exclaims very enthusiastically which made me smile. I could still sense the wolves watching us but I ignored it to an extent.

"Well we all can't have super speed, anyway what can I help you with?" I asked after seeing her expression change slightly.

"Our family has to move because people are starting to notice that our father Carlisle isn't aging. So I was wondering if you could look after Bella for us? She's very danger prone and will be crushed when she finds out we're gone." She says her music like voice laced with sadness.

Bella really must mean alot to the veggie vamps and it was heartwarming to see that they'd do anything to protect her, she was human afterall.

"It couldn't do harm to keep an eye on her and look out for her. Of course I'll do it, we are starting to be friends," I say making the black haired beauty smile.

"Thank you so much," she says pulling me into a tight hug, slightly knocking the wind out of me.

"No problem, wow you really are quite the hugger," I strained to say causing her to loosen her grip.

"Sorry, I just get excited easily and sometimes forget about my strength," she informs and I nod.

"It's alright, anyway I guess I'll see you whenever you decide to come back, it was nice meeting you." I say with a smile and in the blink of an eye, I was back in my backyard waving as she sprinted into the trees.

A few seconds later I heard ruffling in the thickets and hoped one of the wolves didn't try to confront me about socializing with vampires. But fortunately it was my pet wolf, who was also my familiar. Her name is Shayla and just like me, she was timeless.

Her fur was snow white with small spots of black along her back and she was a lovely companion.

When she saw me standing along she approached, slowly looking around for danger before rubbing her muzzle along my arm as I began petting her. "I'm alright girl, you don't need to worry. Besides I can look after myself," I informed her and she let out a huff before walking up the porch and curling up by the door.

Shaking my head, I walked back inside deciding to make some chicken quesadillas and a batch of chocolate chip skor cookies. Once everything was done and I ate my supper, then I trudged up to my room where I threw on a tank top and some shorts before crawling into bed. I read for about half an hour then sleep decided to take over and my dreams were filled with images of a handsome boy with shoulder length hair and milk chocolate brown eyes........

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