Chapter 63

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I haven't heard a scream like that for centuries, of course banshees have always been around and are a big part of some cultures. However the reason for me not hearing one is because nobody in my family was going to die. The last time I heard one was when my village burned down, killing the whole coven. That's probably the last time Zander ever heard one as well.

Since witches and warlocks have been around for so long there were loads of supernatural beings that we learned about within the coven. We also studied  magical creatures like pixies, unicorns and kelpies which was always a fun part to our lessons. Most creatures are very fond of magical people.

We were all worried thinking that someone close to us was about to die when I had a thought "What if it was predicting Bella's death, it could've been a delayed response since Bella didn't stay dead?" I pondered but Zander quickly shook his head.

"It's an interesting thought Nye however a banshee is never late when predicting a death. It's in their nature to be as accurate as possible but if you remember they don't only predict human deaths," he says which jogged a memory about how they could also predict the deaths of magical creatures, they didn't have to be close to you for you to hear it.

We both shared a look before walking out into the back yard where Shayla and Gizmo were perfectly fine. Gizmo is Zanders familiar, he's a beautiful snowy owl. If it wasn't our familiars then what creature was it?

Leaving Quil with the twins Zander, Embry and I ventured into the woods to see if we could depict what creature died or was going to die. We came into a clearing to see a pale dark haired girl kneeling next to a unicorn, her long hair was covering her face like a black curtain. She was weeping over the animal gently stroking its side.

We all shared a look before making our way towards her, wanting to help in anyway possible. If it wasn't too far gone then Zander and I could possible heal it giving it more time on earth. However if we did save it then something else would have to die in order to keep the balance of life and death.

To give life another life must be sacrificed, that's how the natural oder worked. Usually you can choose what dies, hopefully there was a very sick animal around. I wouldn't wish death upon anything but if it's too far gone then it's best to end it's suffering so it can be at peace again.

As I reached the unicorn I knelt beside it and placed my hand on its side. Taking a deep breath I felt that it's heart beat was strong and wasn't fading too fast, meaning that I could save it.

"I can save it," I state looking over at the guys then towards the girl, she didn't seem very old however once I got a good look at her face, my eyes widened as a smile plastered itself across my face.

"Lucinda?" I asked and her eyes lifted to look at me. They filled with recognition as she wiped some stray tears away.

"Nyarah!!!! I though you were dead," she exclaims reaching over and pulled me into a hug. It had been ages since I've seen her but more on that later.

Pulling away from the hug I went back to the unicorn. I placed my hands back on its side and put myself into a meditative state then began chanting.

"I call upon the ancient powers of my ancestors to bring life back into this amazing creature, may it have a longer life that is full of health and beauty," As I chanted there was a golden glow flowing from my palms as the ancestors helped me save the unicorn. This was a common practice back in the days, so it was every easy for me.

Just as I was finishing up, there was a pretty ill looking fox that presented itself in front of me. I hated seeing it like that but it was too far gone and was  most liking suffering dearly so I was happy to put it at peace. The unicorn started to get up as I layed my hand on the fox and ran my fingers through its fur as life slipped away and it let out it's last breath.

It was sad seeing an animal die but I did bury it because it was the right thing to do and I didn't want something coming along and trying to eat it. It also shortened the chances of other animals eating it and then getting what the fox had.

Once that was done Lucy and I stood up, that was when she noticed Zander and she smiled. "Zander!!" She gasped before pulling him into a hug as well. This was definitely quite the reunion and I definitely had a nice story to tell Embry and Quil once we all get back to my house. It's quite the story too......

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