Chapter 9

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We decided to walk because it wasn't that far being as the reservation was quite small. As almost like a reflex, Embry casually slips his hand into mine as we walked. Our hands fit together perfectly, which made me blush. I was happy that he felt the soulmate bond just as strongly as I did.

"I heard that Jake is helping Bella build dirt bikes and that they are dating," Quil says as we made our way up the drive to Jake's house.

Embry and I shared a laugh "He wishes that they were dating, that boy is head over heels for that girl," Embry states taking the words right out of my mouth.

I hoped that Bella finally got out of her depressed shell, it would be nice for her to feel better about the whole vampire ex boyfriend leaving you issue. Maybe Jake could actually fix her severely broken heart.

As we approached the makeshift garage where Jake spent most of his time building his Rabbit, voices could be heard from inside, well at least with my hearing.

"Jake are you in there?" Quil called out not being able to hear the voices quite yet.

We walked in to see Jake standing by the shell of a dirt bike that had probably seen better days, and sitting on a piece of wood, was Bella. She looked better than when I'd last seen her at school. Color returned to her face and her sunken cheeks were full again.

"Jake you got her out of the house, I'll give you props for that," I exclaimed as Jake smiled. Bella however looked at mine and Embry's entwined hands before giving me a wink causing my cheeks to flush.

"Bella this is Quil and Embry, you already know Nyarah," Jake says introducing his best friends to the girl.

As usual Quil had to be his usually flirtatious self "Quil Ateara," he says trying to be cheeky "So the bike building story is true?"

Bella smiled "Oh yeah I taught him everything he knows," this caused me to laugh. This girl knew nothing about building and fixing cars, but at least she was well enough to crack some jokes after so long of not doing anything.

"What about the part where you're his girlfriend?" The curly head asked really wanting to know if Jake was lying or not.

Bella seemed shocked at the question "Oh no, we're just friends," she informs obviously wondering where that accusation came from. Leave it to Jake to tell people that him and Bella were a thing. Poor guy.

"Oh burn," Embry says sending a grin in Jake's direction. The poor teen looked shocked and offended but was trying hard to form words.

"I said she was a girl and a friend," he implies trying to make this situation less awkward for him.

Quil looked at us clearly enjoying this more than he should've "Do you guys remember him making that distinction?"

It was quite obvious how deep their friendships go because they always found the time to tease one another even for the smallest of things, and much to the discomfort of Jake trying not to look like a fool in front of Bella. Embry decided to join Quil in teasing their love crazed friend.

"Nope," he says sharing a smile with me before looking back over at Jake. It was in that moment that Bella jumped in to save her friend from even more humiliation.

"So you guys have girlfriends," she belted out causing the boys to stop laughing and awkwardly glance at one another.

"Well Nye and Em obviously like eachother but don't really say anything but Quil on the other hand is taking his cousin to prom," Jake states which makes me laugh. Poor Quil.

"Yeah that's still a riot," he says walking forward "you want funny Black, I'll give you funny," and then they both starting messing about.

It was good to see the boys having a laugh and goofing off. Pretty soon they would begin to shift which mean that they won't be able to spend time hanging out anymore until all three have shifted and let in on the tribes secret. Something tells me that this isn't going to last much longer.

Embry was going to shift soon and Jake wasn't that far behind him. Both of them have started growing already with their builds becoming more sturdy and muscular. You couldn't really tell by just looking at Embry because he likes to bundle up in baggy layers but it was definitely noticable on Jacob.

Besides that, I know about their kind just a little bit better than Sam, but not by much. But both of us could tell when people were going to shift, and I could also smell people who carried the gene meaning that they were one day going to shift, just not anytime soon.

"I've got 5 bucks on Quil," Embry says our hands still clasped together as he lead us over to stand behind Bella, who was entertained by the commotion in front of her.

"You're on," she says accepting the bet which I knew she was going to win. Jake was just a tad stronger than Quil at the moment.

"Bad move Em," I state watching the boys play fighting. It lasted for a few more minutes before Quil "tapped out" making Embry slip a five dollar bill into Bella's outstretched hand, he let out a sigh of defeat......

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