Chapter 1 The beginning

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As my parents were running, they saw a beam for the human realm, so they put me in. From there I went to an orphanage somewhere in Rhode Island. When I got there, I had all the knowledge in the realm, so when they came outside and saw me, I was like a baby sent from heaven. When they didn't see anyone around, they looked at the note in my basket. On that note, it said, "Name this child Archrie (Arch-rie)." That's how I got the name that no one made fun of, so let's fast-forward to when it is my first day of school. On my first day of school (possibly my last), I got all these people gathering around me asking where I am from as soon as I walk into class (I blame it on my abnormal height of 5'1"). Then the teacher walks into class and tells everyone to sit down. She tells everyone to say what their parents taught them before kindergarten. When it was my turn, I asked if I could write it on the board, and she says, "sure try it (I am sure she was thinking this will be dumb but let's try him)." So then I get the chalk and write e=mc2 and e=mc2=energy=mass times the speed of light squared. When she gave me a linear equation problem, I solved it within 2 seconds. The teacher was astonished, and she called the principle. He gave me a quadratic equation, and I solved it. So, he called up the superintendent. When the county superintendent got here, he gave me an exponential equation. I solved it, and they all agreed that they should call the state superintendent. They called him, and he said he would come by tomorrow. Next, I went to the gym, and they had us run as fast and as long as we could. When I was running faster and longer than the other kids, they came to me and said, "We rarely do this, we have never done this, but do you want to be on the elementary cross-country team?" So knowing what that was, I said yes and with such confidence, I was like a little ball of awesomeness in one child. So when it was time for lunch everyone in my class was talking to me and asking what my name is and I said my name is Archrie. They asked what else I could do, I said I can jump high and I can lift heavy things. So when it was time for recess they said to jump as high as I could and I jumped seven feet high (that wasn't as high as I could jump. I could jump 30-40 feet high. When the teacher saw me seven feet in the air they came running, and they saw me fall gently to the ground as lightly as a leaf. She was astounded. Everyone was amazed and asked me to lift something. I took my teacher and lifted her high with one hand, and she looked so scared, she was so pale. So then as soon as I put her down everyone was so happy and was laughing. So just like that, I was the cool kid.

The Next Day

So the next day when I came into the classroom there were the superintendents, my teacher, and the principal. They called me to the front in front of all my classmates. Then he gave me calculus two, algebra two, geometry two, and gamma distribution. They all agreed to let me skip 10 grades to the 10th grade at five. I am officially the youngest person to be in high school, when you look up genius in a dictionary you will see the face of a five-year-old right next to it. Anyway, when I came home, my parents were there waiting for me. So it confused me because usually, I was home with a babysitter, and they were at work, so this was a surprise. So when I said "hi mom, hi dad, why are you guys home early?" they just exploded and were like, "How did you know all this stuff and you're just five years old?" so I told them I just knew it like it was in my head in my mind also that it bore me I read a lot by myself when I was alone. So then I said, "Oh yeah, can you sign this, it's for school?" so then my dad took it and his expression changed from surprise to total and complete shock, and he showed it to mom, and she fainted. When she woke up (mostly because I knew about as much as all doctors in the world multiplied by looking at the paper and it amazed me. However, they were so shocked they just signed it.

Next-Day of School

When I got to Classical High School, the best high school in Rhode Island, I was just looking around while the teacher was showing me around, but I was collecting all she was saying. So then she gave me my schedule with a ton of other tenth graders so then I just went there when I got there I walked in and all the kids and the teacher just looked at me I still had my baby features, so they knew I was a little kid so then I said that this is where the vice principal sent me then everyone burst out laughing except the teacher who just beamed at me like I was his savior then someone just walked up to me and said, "Is this a joke is it bring your child to school day haha!) I just looked at him and said, "No, but I am your new classmate so leave me alone, so I can walk to the teacher." That made him confused. So then he just moved out of the way and I gave the teacher all the correct papers, and he introduced me to the class. They all looked at me like I was a weirdo until the teacher (his name was Mr. Mohammed) told them that yesterday I had solved some complex equations. They all looked like they were being tricked until one of them came up and wrote a trigonometric equation, and they all snickered because they all thought "he will not get this because he's a very tall five-year-old" then I took the chalk and started solving it so when I finished they all looked amazed and they all looked like they had just seen a ghost. Then the teacher said, "Do you believe this is still an elaborate joke, hmm?" then the bell rang, and we had to go to the first period for me. It was math (it was) so then when I walked in I got a few looks and then a seat and the work, so we worked on it in silence for the next twenty minutes then since I was new the teacher was nice, so we just watched a movie for the next 40 minutes then it was time for the second period and it was awesome. But little did I know that my life would change so much in such little time.

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