Chapter 29 The real world

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When I opened my eyes, I was back in the pod, but this time, I could hear outside of it, "She has been in there for over 1 god year. She will not be coming out. This is time to kill her, end her, and put you on the throne." Then I reached up, opened my hand, and it obliterated the dome. When the scientists turned around, they saw me with my wings out, my hair gleaming, and the spikes protruding from my body. Then they noticed, the crystals gleaming, in my forehead and chest, and they cowered, "M-my queen, You're awake, we were worried." I looked at him and said, "You think I didn't hear you plotting to overthrow me? "Well I woke up, and I heard you planning to kill me and also, I am more powerful than you could ever dream," He looked horrified for a second, then he regained his composure and said, "Well we would test that power but I guess it is time for an execution instead." he said solemnly, so I said, "You will be treated accordingly in time, but if you would like a test, then bring it here." So they brought out a pad and said, "place your hand here and use all the power, at your disposal." So I opened the eyes on my forehead, pulled out all my limitations, and I placed my hand on the machine. After 1 plank time The device said, "nameless" the two doctors collapsed, and they were out cold, so I opened my wing's once more, and flapped out then I found that the disk on my back, was in my eyes instead of on my back, so I called on it and it started spinning and my power level grew immensely. So I once again let it spin, and a huge burst of power exploded out of me.



On our radar we detected a sudden huge burst of energy. It was right above the dome, so we checked it, and we saw that it had more power than the thunderbladed, so we instantly dispatched, and we saw that we had made a huge mistake, because out of the blue, a sentient being zoomed past us and made a copy of all our energy and added it to its own. Then another force, much darker, sucked up the power instead of making a copy, and about 1000 men fell. So we retreated. On our radar we saw that the good energy source was right on the source of the first huge pulse.



When I got to the girl, I saw she had finally unlocked that secret power inside her, I also noticed she had a melded soul I also found that the power was not what I expected it to be, then I saw the disk in her eyes.  I knew that she was officially part danger beast. So I called out to her with our twin souls, "it's time to bind ourselves." Then she looked up, saw me, and reached up. then I felt our soul's linking, and it was glorious I felt all my power restoring, then I felt our power's meld, and our linked power was nothing ever before seen.

She grew energy blades from the sides of her head and elbows. I checked her stats, and she was officially more than anything. So I fully melded with her, and our minds melted into one, perfect brain. Then I felt our brain, evolving. So I clutched my head, and out of my eyes came a vramcopiric glow then the energy blades on the sides of my head extended over my eyes, and they started glowing even more. Then energy flowed up from the ground and into my body. Then the soul's all flowed into me as well. Then we blew up and when the smoke cleared all that was around us was a sphere that contained all the blast when I looked down, there were crystals embedded in my knuckles, so I harnessed them, and a blade of both arkwrairath and the golden divine god spark. Then I pulled down the shield and I saw Tracherea right in front of me, so I swiped and Tracherea got obliterated, with an ear-splitting roar. Then when the light faded, he was still standing there then he plunged his hand into his chest and pulled out a dark heart, then he said, "I have been destroyed, but maybe with your power I can win. Chaos! I call upon you to make a pact, I grant you 14 of my heart's for the power of an indura chaos, grant me my power as an indura chaos, the embodiment of destruction!" Then he crushed the heart and a dark power rushed out from him, and he started to transform first of all there was a dark aura around him. Secondly, there was a universe crystal behind him. He took a humanoid form, and he looked quite different. So I swiped again, and this time he absorbed it then he sent it back and I got blown back. So this time I looked into his soul, and saw that he gave up his mentality, for corrupted power. So instead I felt a piece of me reach out, so I reached out with it, and Tracherea, cried out and reached out for a tiny thread of power. But I just kept pulling. harder than ever before. Then I felt, Tracherea in his truest, and darkest part's flow into me. SO I closed it, and all of Tracherea was gone. But, instead of the power subsiding, it rises up, and tries to consume me. So I try to tap down the darkness with light, but it just breaks through, and fills me completely. My body changes, the corrupted power, is chaotic. Stronger than both chaos and indura combined, so I was overwhelmed and dropped out of the sky. When I landed, the world went black.

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