Chapter 39 Asherahvus

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When I woke up there was a woman next to my bed, and she was watching me, "So this is the first ever lilivus." So I moved with all my speed, and was behind her instantly, "Who are you and how did you get in my room?" She looked at me and in her eyes her pupils were triple pronged, and at the edges they were curved, they were spinning clockwise, "My name is Fraestriya, and I am an Asherahvus you are the first of your kind, so I was pulled here you and I are practically kindred spirits except I am not the first of my kind, I am the thousandth. You are the first. So, I'm going to make a deal with you. If you can make  another lilivus, I'll make you an Angevus an Asherahvus like me but You'll still be half lilivus, so I don't know whether the yahwevus will accept you. But that's the deal." Then she unfurled her wings which instead of giving off darkness, they gave off light. But they were still vampirized. Then, in a rush of feathers, she was gone. She left me wondering how to turn somebody into a lilivus?

The next day I went outside and called the leader of the women's ministry. I then called Diroes and when she arrived I asked, "How do you turn someone?" He looked at me and said, "You put your intent into your bite. Why are you asking?" "Oh I just wanted to try it." When the leader got here, I sent out my bats and one bit her giving me some extra blood and essence. She was quiet. Then I got up, walked over to her, and bit her, forcing all my intent of making her a Lilivus. When I pulled away, her features started changing but one thing was different for her. She grew two markings one on both sides of her face, "Diroes how come she gets those markings and I don't?" He said, "Oh yeah about that, I forgot um I never taught you that part," Then he taught me how to do it, and I got the armor also then the Asherahvus appeared, "That is the fulfillment of our deal now for my end." Then before my super speedy eyes could register it she was already on my neck. Diroes gasped, but couldn't move. When she pulled away she licked her lips, "That tasted good, but now I have to go, the deal is done." Slowly I registered that I was changing my power growing, my armor doubling with a light along with dark.My wings unfurled of their own accord and the darkness pouring off slowly got light mixed into it. Then I felt the dark blood and essence becoming mixed with light blood and essence. Then on my back beside the dark blood and essence crystals there were half filled prongs running down, all triangle shaped, and I had 24 of them two for each dark crystal. and on my energy horn there was along with the lilivus wings, were the Asherahvus wings. Then there was a voice in my head, "Hmm Interesting this should be fun, You are the first Lilerahvus. As I am the Nephalevus, I am the peak of the vus the only one. If you make a good show I'll make you a Nephalevus also, do we have a deal? I reached out my mental hand but cringed then I shook his hand and a mark appeared on my hand. Then he started laughing and, he was gone. Then the world went black.

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