Chapter 20 Back at the Palace

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When I woke up, the girl was still there with her back to me, so I looked everywhere for an escape when she spoke to me, "Don't think about escaping if you leave the confines of this room you die instantly." So I stopped moving and said, "Well, why am I still here and who are you?"  "So you don't remember me at all?" I was confused, so I tried to remember when we met." We met at the coronation, officer Üërtre, you were very kind to me, so I negotiated with your fellow officers, I also cleared up the mistake they made of me being an attacker of the queen. Well, guess what, I am the queen. My DNA is still 80% the same as it was, so I was then declared the queen again very tiring. It was also very annoying, even though I still have the same markings just with arcwrath flowing through them, and with this stuff flowing from my eyes, revenge arkwrairath the stuff of myths, but here it is flowing from my eyes, elbows, and knees. But, I've been experimenting with it. It seems I have control of it, I just have to practice, dis is what I can do so far." Then the intricatefinityarkwrairath started flowing into her outstretched hands, and she grabbed it. Then it seeped into her markings and the arcwrath disappeared and was replaced with the arkwrairath. She gasped and fell to her knees. So I got up and ran to the door. Strangely it was open, so when I reached it, she stretched out her hand and the arkwrairath formed a hand and grabbed me. It burned, so I screamed out. But she drew me back in and used the arkwrairath to chain me to the ground. All while I was in pain. She was on her knees, gasping for breath to fill her two pairs of lungs. Then she screamed, and I felt like I was being ripped apart. Then Markings appeared all over her body, and they weren't her normal markings. These were different from war soul markings, and her markings, so it confused me. When everything quieted down, she fell unconscious, so I tried to get up but me couldn't, so me just lay there, then I used all my strength to get out, then wraith flowed out of my pores and wrapped around the chains but it just got absorbed, then I tried all my powers, and they all got absorbed. Then I got angry, and I burst into infinite arcwrath, but they just wrapped around my wrist and the pain vanished. Then I fell asleep.

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