Chapter 21 New Found Power

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I don't know what happened, but I was not awake. But, I was also not unconscious. Then a being appeared in front of me and said, "Who are you, I don't know you, you weren't on my power schedule. I guess this thing is broken, well who are you?" Then I thought,  "ärôñaïê" and he heard me then he said, "Ah, you are the one I was looking for, I am here to grant you some power and control over it if you pass this test."


Then I woke up in a room, "Ugh, I dislike these tests a lot." Then the guy appeared behind me, but when I tried to move I couldn't, and he had this look in his eyes that I knew it wasn't the same one. So I tried to move and I still couldn't. So instead I entered the spirit plane and grabbed his soul. I yanked on it and out it came. Down he fell right before he could reach my neck. Then I felt my body move, so I left the spirit plane and found I could move of my own volition. So I flapped my wings and felt them slice into something. So I turned around and there behind me saw the same guy from earlier. But the wound on his torso was already healing. So I asked, "Why am I here, why are you healing so quickly, who was that, and why am I here again?" Then he held up a finger for me to wait. When he put his finger down he said, "Well, dis is strange, you have natural wings, and not just any wings, blade tipped no healing indestructible wings, and your skin is harder than anything I've seen in over 100,000,000,000,000,000 god yottaseconds (1 yottasecond is 32 quadrillion years, a god yottasecond is 32 septillion years). that is a long time so you must be the new heir. Well, you passed the first 5 tests. Just 2 more to go and you will be able to wield infinite power."


"Well, this is the next place," I looked around and the space was huge, so I said, "Why is this space so big?" "Well, this is where we test your ultimate strength." Then he disappeared, and a gate opened. So I looked at the gate and out came a beast I had never seen before. Then it charged, and the light bent around its several horns, turned dark and coated it. Then it became a creature of darkness. Because I never knew that animals could control wrath also. Then I refocused and absorbed the darkness. The creature shrunk so much you could swear it was a baby. Then the guy appeared and said, "Wow, you didn't even lift a finger, you just said 'schwoop' and there goes its power. It turns into this adorable creature. But, here's a fun fact, once you defeat it, it becomes loyal to you and its soul merges with yours. So would you like to accept this creature?" "Well, I would like to test all my other pets against it." I allow all the Draghoenix to grow to max size and power, then they attack instantly. The cute creature instantly throws up a shield of light, then clothes itself in arcwrath, but instead of vantablack and spectralon it is gold. I also feel more power radiating out of it. Then all my draghoenix combine into one and keep charging with all their power combined. When the two animals collide my pet is sent flying and it breaks back into the 4 separate animals. But the other one is sitting their watching me. Then I say, "I accept it. But what is it called?" Then he scrunched up his face and said, "I don't know because in my world, if you're weak you don't get named so you can name it. Anyway, get ready for the next fight. This beast is not the most powerful, but also not the weakest. It is a middle class animal, the Archaangemon"

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