Chapter 11 Training

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The next day they were in the aqurå to train. "Well, let's get started first off, let's see how much control you have over your power. Let's see how much nôh you have. Start releasing your nôh ow at max this will test your stamina. If you still have 100,000 god nôh dragons, then you pass and have enough stamina." then ärôñaïê. Opened the gate of her nôh and it took the form of a gôñd and, it looked just like her but more mature and it had 8 orbs, and she had three tails that had spinning spikes that every few seconds would dart around her shooting beams at her giving her more power collected from the environment. Then her teacher said, "Did you know that if you ever catch up with the evolution you can have her under your control?" then he came back to himself and said, "I'm going to keep watch nôh releases attract dangerous beasts."


After 5 days ärôñaïê was still releasing nôh at full strength, but her nôh was just rising. She went through an evolution; she started looking like her gôñd then her gôñd grew a look of surprise and was absorbed into her. Then there was an explosion of both nôh and power. When the debris cleared, ärôñaïê was surrounded by two copies of her gôñd were both looking out for her. When her teacher got there, he couldn't get within 200 feet (ca. 61 meters) without getting bombarded with nôh and overloading (the main cause of death in the dôji universe). As soon as he could see her. He saw her gôñd standing around her. Then he saw her glowing, and he saw her with three tails. Just like her gôñd. When the nôh levels went down, he approached her, and her gôñd attacked. They were so fast he didn't see them but when they attacked; they were ruthless. When they hit him a hole was punched straight through, they shot a shard at him. Then the force almost disintegrated his body. But when ärôñaïê said, "stop! He's a friend!" then the gôñd stopped. When ärôñaïê saw they weren't healing him, she said, "well? Aren't you going to heal him?" then they rushed forward and laid their hands on him. When they were done, he woke up with a gasp. Then he said, "I guess it's time for you to choose a definite path.". "What's a definite path?" she asked as her gôñd came back to her. He said, "There are three types, pulse, explüsone, and the most powerful yet dangerous type The divine God right. The two paths are both a path of one of the rulers. When they died, their essence found each other and melded to create The Divine God Right. At least that's what they say. But don't worry its just lore there are only two definite paths." so when she heard, this she asked. " Which are you, and what do they do?" " Well I am explüsone And what I do is create a wave of energy to eventually capture an enemy and explode them super quietly." Then he said, "Hurry we don't want to be late for your embrace ceremony. But I must warn you If you're too weak for what you choose you could perish." But ärôñaïê Wasn't listening she was not even in her body but in the spoul.

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