Chapter 33 Fully Bonded

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So we once again unleashed all of our restrictions, I unleashed my pairs of restrictions, and I let the beast out. Then I was confident I would win, "First person to pin the other wins." Then the Announcer yelled, "3...2...1...GO GO GO!!!" So my brother took one step, and I was on him in an instant, In less than a Planck time he was pinned to the ground, "I win ha ha I win, "So I did a little victory jig, and my brother got up and said, "No fair you have danger beast power that's not fair." So I said, "Ok let's have a redo without my beast side" So this time I didn't unleash my beast side. The announcer did the countdown and I did the same thing again and pinned him in less than a Planck time. So I said, "I told you this all has to do with speed, not power. I am after all your big sister, and I have more power, speed, instincts, and manipulation than you. You need to learn how to harness it." then he said, "I guess I do. But... I bet you can't beat dad!" So I said, "Bring it on" 

So I called dad and asked if we could spar with each other, "Hmm, sure, I could spar you." SO we each backed into a corner of the room, "first person to mark the other wins, now then 3...2...1... GO!" So in an instant I had both pairs of my souls out, and my instincts took over. My wings unfurled with a snap and before dad was on me I was in the air over 10 gigaparsec's over his head from up there I activated, my own version power that I made, with a ton of new restriction's, So I opened it and all around me were all these infinite beasts that were more powerful than me, even one could destroy me. So I chanted the word's and the new restriction's were all released and all of their power and instincts were forced into me, and I went with the flow the meld of power was smooth and painless, the power that I made along with the beasts were all my own power, except, my power was instantly multiplied by one millli-millillion and I felt the power's need to be expressed, so I allowed it, and I grew another pair of wings except these wings were made of pure infinity energy, and they were moldable. Then I detected my dad, flying up to me. So I decided to test out the new power. I extended my arms and I saw the infinity energy expel itself from my elbows and shoulders then a hole grew in the center of my palms, with a floating sphere in the middle, made of the infinity energy. The hole went clean through my hand, but it wasn't painful, then I felt my other energies mix with the infinity energy, and the power mas quintupled then I said, ourobrough and there was a bolt of energy shot down at dad and I heard a cry of pain, before I saw him collapse a gigaparsec to the ground. SO I shot down to the ground and landed softly, I moved faster than anything, and I didn't even teleport. So I looked up, and my dad was still falling. So I extended my palms toward him, and took control of his bio electricity then I made him flap his wing's, then I made him land on his feet. When I let go of his energy he collapsed, then my brother said to me, "whoa, you beat dad, that is a bit much. So how many hits did it take to finish him?" I looked at him and said, "none, I just shot him with energy, that I made, it is a third stream of restriction's that I made myself, it was the power of the Infinity Beasts each one powerful enough to beat me in one hit each one could one shot me, but instead I absorbed them. Thus, I can one-shot anything with just a blast of energy." Then when dad woke up he said, "You created your own restriction's didn't you? Well, I guess you never needed the restrictions. So from henceforth, I remove all restrictions from you and your brother." Then I felt all my power gush froth from all the removed restrictions, and I felt... free. So I howled, and the power in me flowed through my veins, and I unleashed all the other restrictions I had made, and since they were all removed they flowed into me also, and I felt happy because I was finally free, all my power revealed, and I felt healed. Then I looked around and my dad and brother were on the walls looking at me fearfully. So I said, "This is just all the streams that I made myself, now I don't even need to focus energy I can just think about it and it happens. So why are you running from me?" Then they said, "You are not part of this sect of thunderbladed, you are not even thunderbladed anymore this world is not for you go to the next world"

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