Chapter 22 Battle for your life

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"Get ready, this beast is fierce, it may not be the strongest, but it is powerful, it is also humanoid, it is also so dangerous that if you fight it you may die, most people don't survive a tussle with this beast, but it'll be ok." Then I looked at him and said, "How will it be ok, if I might die then how is it ok?" Then he looked at me with such a confused face. I laughed, then he said, "You won't die, you just won't get any power." that made more sense, he said, "It's time to fight." Ta he disappeared again and the second gate opened, and out walked a child figure, so I said, "Hello, who are you, and what are you doing in there?" He looked up, and he looked adorable. Then he morphed into a full-grown adult. Around him were those gold streams, but there were also silver streams. He unfurled his wings and shook them out, then he attacked, then in the background I heard something, "Oh yeah, and if you beat the next two you get their level of power and their power stacks the most powerful one you get as a pet also. This one if you beat him, he gets your powers also, and he becomes your son, except in his natural form, of an adorable child." Then I refocus on the battle, and I realize that I am impaled straight through the stomach. I look at him, and he says, "I win now, give me your soul." I say, "Ha ha, no I am immortal, I can't die." Then I pull out his sword, unfurl all my wings, and slash him up. Then he falls back and coughs up silver and gold essence. Then he collapses to his knees. Then I say, "Do you yield?" He says, "I yield." So I said, "Hey dude, where are you? He yields." Then I see a blade come behind me, so I throw up a shield. that would kill him as soon as he touched it, then when his blade touches it, he dies. Then the guy appeared. He said, "You cannot get these things to yield, they have too much honor. Well, anyway, I will bring him back to life and you will get to talk to him then.


As soon as we revive the Archaangemon he looks at me, and his face changes to a solemn one, "Well Mother, guess you win. But, what was that air space around you?" I told him, "It is one of my basic abilities. It creates a death zone, now you're my son now go back to your original form." Then his face shows a struggle, "He is trying to resist the claim, but it never works." Then he transforms into a cute little baby. The man's face transforms into one of fear, "that is so rare, this is the most powerful of them, a baby, is only born of one every 10 god Millinillion years. that means he is the royal bloodline of them, and the strongest generation of them, you got so lucky." Then the baby says, "Mama!" Then he crawls over to me and coos, "He's so cute!" Then he says, "I'll hold him for now, you have to fight the last and final creature, the most powerful one, Infinity!"

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