Chapter 3 War strategies

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Well, I have told you about my life and my world and my past. Well, let's get back to my present. I'm going to work two months before my birthday when the angods and degods come for me more often, but let's go. When I go to work, like all the other immortals, I do it differently from the mortals I have my way. For the others, they run super fast or jump, or they ride their phoenix and dragons. For me, I either teleport or fly at 12 times the speed of light, much more efficient considering that my job is over 1 billion square miles away (Alftrie is way bigger than earth it also has a ton of rings. It also has lava caps, ice caps, Greenland caps, and dead land caps.) So I can wake up later and still get there faster than the others. This is because of my trusty eight wings which don't beat when the first two go up, the last two go down and the others are in the middle, and they can all flap at hyper-speed, so I am the fastest, strongest, smartest, most strategic thinker and teacher. The most powerful on my planet (I have the certificates on my wall) so yeah I get a lot of jealous looks and murder attempts after-work teas and dinners and pushy girls. I also have a lot of friends and teachers classes, and the leaders of Alftrie want me to be a mouthpiece for them with no mind but a voice. I denied them they're the ones who send the assassins who I take out of commission extremely easily, so I never get overpowered, outsmarted, or outwitted so yeah I am safe.


So at work, I get no money because in my world we have plats a little phone type thing that's behind our visual cortex that says how much we're entitled to, also because our pantries auto-refill with food every time we want something. This is life on Alftrie, we are very simple but high tech and mythical to you, so we love our jobs, oh yeah, my job is the highest and most prestigious job on Alftrie a scythe or the military. I defend from otherworldly places that you also call mythical but are combined with a future version of your world. My world is the most powerful or the capital of these places, but there is still strife. I'm the second in command of the scythe. One reason is that I have the most power of all the immortals. On Alftrie all immortals must be a member of the scythe, so we are like the scythe and shield of Alftrie. The scythe is the most powerful weapon here that is legal. It has more power than the Tsar bomb. It can kill the weakest of immortals if in the hands of the most powerful mortal. It can also control the elements here. The elements are fire, water, earth, air, metal, space, plasma, time, etc. But for me, I can control all 2156 because I have the abilities of a degod and angod. Thus, I can control both unearthly and earthly. So I am also the head attacker and defense and mixer (a mixer is a person who can change stances at will or a flexible person) but when we're about to lose they send me in because I have the hardest skin and fastest regen time and also, the most strength and speed. Essentially I am a tank and when someone important comes, they put me up as a bodyguard and a world protector when the world is under attack. My favorite of the elements is to split or make clones. That's how by myself I defend the whole planet and I have the ability of aerial search or I half leave my body but the other half is floating anyone behind a wall that is a glowing green color. So yeah, in battle, I am overpowered. Most of the people I have taken down are about 5,000,000 so yeah we are in battle so yeah.

The battle was fierce on both sides fighting the last war between the two worlds, "Archrie: Get on the field now!" yelled the general so I take off at max speed (my new max speed is a lot of times the speed of light). The battle is on the battleground which is the official place of war but some places ignore that and come here but that place is about a light-year away for me. It takes about half an hour to get there flying about a second teleporting. So when I get there I'm behind enemy lines, so I materialize my scythe and run about 30 times the speed of light but super quiet and start swinging by the time they realize I'm there 40 of their immortals are dead. I use my scythes siphoning all but one of the elements all at once coat the blade of my scythe and body, so I look like a god to the (oh yeah forgot to mention no one before me has had all the elements except for gods) so they cower and I explode with all the elements knocking down the enemies may not kill them but sure ends a battle quickly but not all of them are down just the pawns, so we charge in they all use their best attack which is strong but not on me. 99 percent of our army, not me and about 100 others, so I just teleport in the middle and well spin using the wind and fire. I suck them in and chop them in half with my scythe. Oh, I love my job. It's like dissecting people but you get to see all their sirassence (blood) and core's around you (the key of immortality is core's I don't have one, but I'm still immortal, possibly the reason I can't be killed or intimidated. I do not understand, so I can do what I want and not get controlled by my parents. Yup, the cores are the way parents control their children (mine is dead, possibly the reason I don't have one).

When Archie gets home, he gives the report it goes something like this,

"Sir, we have eradicated the enemies of Bertie. About 100 of our soldiers died today, and we have their cores at hand."

"Good, good, but um, why do you never follow the strategy?" the scythe shield board asks

"Sir, the strategy is not a good one, it often leads to our losses in the past and it also leaves me in the back. Sir, I can perfectly fight my own battles. I am also the main force of our scythe with the generals and without, sir, I am the most powerful."

"Archrie: We know you're capable, but we are under strict orders not to put you in the front lines so you stay in the back until further notice."

"Under the order of whom you're the head scythe and shield, we don't follow the orders of others"

"Well, that's how it is, you can't change it. Also, we're under the orders of the immortal board." Suddenly the head of the scythe shields puts his element in use over Archrie. Archrie retaliates and uses the element of destruction and destroys the element of pressure the head uses.

"Did you think you could push me down with that you know I am the strongest immortal of Alftrie you can not intimidate me I am stronger than all the gods on the planet only one god is strongest and that is the alpha and omega, God you cannot stop me I will keep helping my scythes win so don't leave me at the back I will be a wild card."

"You may be stronger than them individually but not all of us together!"

Then they all just pile on him with all their elements, he says

"Don't make me use this element. This will cripple you."

"We don't care as long as you're under our control, we are the most powerful beings in Alftrie!"

Archrie uses the element of strip and strips them of their elements but instead of disappearing they flow into him strengthening him (the more he uses his power the better he gets or the stronger and faster in all points).

"I told you now let me give you a different version of these elements."

Power flowed out of him into them, allowing them to come back to consciousness and breathe.

"Well, we can't control you, but we can advise you. We have a new place for people like you. Only the most powerful of the scythes ever get in it is the group of almost gods."

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