Chapter 37 Unleashed

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When I opened my eyes I realized I was in some sort of room. Then I remembered what happened and raged, I looked around and when I saw him I teleported over and slapped him so hard his head spun then it spun back, and he said, "Ow what was that for?!" "That was for kissing me, I don't even know you. Why would you do that?" He looked at me and said, "So you don't remember me do you?" I said, "Why would I? We only met a few days ago," he shook his head and said, "No, we met over 100,000 god years ago." I said, I wasn't even alive back then, how would you know me?" Then he got a familiar look on his face, "Oh now I get it you need your memories to be restored." Then he bit me again. When he pulled away I had a shock of memories, "Wait a minute. You're telling me you're Diroes?" "Yup that's me" Then I lunged forwards and hugged him, "I didn't know how much I missed you until I remembered you" Then I felt another rush of power, I realized it was the strength I used to wield. When I embraced it I felt a huge rush of power over 2,000 times what I wielded before I got my memories. Then I said, "Well let's train to get my dempire power." He said, "Alright let's train when we finish I'll update you, and you better update me on how you got a son."

We trained for over a god month and I had gotten about 68% of my dempire power's mastered after a god year. I finally had 100% of my dempire power's under control. I said, "Well I guess I have all my power now. So explain what you've been up to first," He said after he got his dôji he wasn't transported to the correct world, so he went through the change but kept all his memories thus he remembered me. It took him a long time to get here but when he did, I was just arriving. The only reason he recognized me was because of our mental bond that was a one way thing, "Wow so you did all of that and you still remembered me? That takes some mental strength." Then I explained everything that I did, "So let me get this straight, you had a son, but he isn't your actual son, he is actually the emperor of the Archaangemon and his dad is the overlord?" "yup that's about it." Then he said, "wait show me all your power as condensed as it can be." I summoned all my new and old power and put it into a sphere, and condensed. "fyi power can only be condensed to 1 milli-millillionth of its actual size. if it is bigger than your head you are already super powerful." So I condensed until I couldn't anymore. I let it show. From the gasp he let out, it was either colossal or tiny. he said, "Open your eyes." So I did, and my power was super large, it was bigger than Alftrie was up to at least a googol times the size of Alftrie, "Wow that is colossal, and immense." When he reached up to touch it, he fell down, "It is so big, it is so massive that it has weight," I said, "Well, I can't feel it." "Well you are creating it so lets see it without condensing it." So I uncondensed it, and it was the size of all the solar systems in the Alftrie universe in one. "Put it away now!" So I stopped showing it, and he said, "Do you know how much power that is? You could destroy this world with a thought, and I went and gave you more power. I know you didn't show me your new power in it." "Why are you so angry it's not like I'll do anything with it." Then my stomach growled, "I am so hungry can we get back and get some food please?!" "Sure I'm hungry also, but after wards we're continuing this conversation."

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