Chapter 14 Her True Heritage

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When I woke up, I realized I was not alone. When I realized this, the attacker lunged out of the shadows at 100 lmph. I created a precioustone barrier around them, and hit their head on the inside of the barrier, and were knocked unconscious.


When they came back into consciousness I started questioning her, "Who are you, Who sent you, Why did you try to kill me, Are you tracherea, or some person who wants to just cause chaos, Why do you have this bag, and are you a terrorist because if so you going to get it?" Then she just looked at me like she was scared. She couldn't have been more than 100,000 years old (10 years old) for us.), "What's wrong, why are you here?" then she burst out crying. "I'm sorry p-please don't hurt me, it's just, I have nothing to eat tonight and if I don't get something for my little sisters, we won't have anything to eat for the next few days!" She blubbered, "Oh don't cry, shush little one. Where do you and your sisters live? I'll get some food for you." Then the girl looked up confused, "We don't live anywhere we live on the move. Since no one bothers to take care of us." Then I felt awful. "Don't worry, I'll take care of you and your sisters. Go get them and bring them here. I'll take care of you. Wait, what's your name?" I asked, "My name is Demgel." Then she ran.

When she got back, she and her sisters came in at high speed. "Hello girls, I am the Queen as you no. Well, anyway, I have decided to bring you in." Then the youngest among them tried to whisper to her sisters, "She is a scythe." Tan her older sisters said, "Shut up!" Then I said, "What? No, no, no, I don't even know what that is, and if I was, then my markings would of..." then she looks down and her markings are scythe shaped along with a dragon marking coiling around her other arm. "Wait, what exactly is a scythe, and what do they do?" then Demgel said, " A scythe is a bringer of death so if you learn how to control it you will be able to make someone or something drop dead on your command." then I understood the scythe but not the dragon, "Ok so what is this golden draghoenix on my arm?" Then they said, "that's impossible, that has only been seen once in history, and that was when there was someone above andemigod rank so and that means, you're at the height of the universes. Now check under your arm, I want to see something." I looked under my arm's and there was an omega andemitrigod gate under one, and a sword under the other, then she said, "Let me see them." I showed them, and they all passed out.

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