Chapter 36 lilivus

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When I got to the back room I saw him. He was tall, dark and a bit cute. I blushed a bit, "Oh sorry I didn't know that even non vampirica were allowed in here," Then I got angry and bared my fangs, and he jumped back. "That's why you're here, you must've paid a lot to get back here." "No it was free, considering I am a lilivus now, and I'm hungry." Then I felt wings unfurl behind me, so I looked at them, and they were my normal wings, but then they started changing, they grew little leathery flaps under the draconic part. I felt myself going through the same transformation, except I vampirified not get leathery like my wings. when I created a mirror, and my lips had filled out, as well as my other features, "Wow, your baggage sure upgraded." I looked at him and bats materialized and one of them bit his neck, and he fell to one knee, then I felt some of my need for his blood disappear. I smiled and said, "That's what'll happen if you try to get sexual now, I need blood and essence" Then his eyes turned empty, and he stood up, and walked to me, and bent his head. his neck was in plain view, so I opened my mouth and sunk my teeth into his neck and started to drink. His blood tasted so good I almost forgot to suck his essence also. when I started to do it, I felt so good I almost fainted from the feeling. When I was full on his blood and essence I disconnected. I felt like I had just sucked prescioustone out of him then I fell back onto a chair then he shook out of it, "Yo, what just happened? All I remember is you sending some bats at me and then everything after that is fuzzy" I said, "Well I did that then you obeyed my every whim. Also, thanks for the snack, and essence, I sucked precioustones out of you." Then he felt his neck and paled even more if that was possible when he found the bite marks, "Well I guess you've had your fill. So you can go now. when I turned the newly created cloak flapped behind me. When I got back out to the lobby, I realized my bats had fallen asleep and were following behind me like spears they were floating behind my head. then I realized I also had a staff. So I slammed it down and it sent out a shockwave then  two mini Fenrisúlfr with wings came running and prowled around my legs when the guy at the front desk saw them he hid and I started to walk and my creatures followed.

When I stepped back into my room I saw that my son had gone through the same transformation, and he had the two children of both of my alpha males then I realized they were brothers so that made my son's little Fenrisúlfr cousins along with his bats. I walked over to my bed hopped onto it, the wolves prowled around it and I fell asleep

When I woke up, my room was littered with bodies and the wolves teeth were bloodied along with the bats. and I saw that more people kept coming in with weapons to kill me. the wolves moved at amazing speed's so fast I couldn't see it then I saw the dead body of the newest attacker. then I slammed down my staff and all the attackers burst into my room. I realized I was hungry. So I launched forwards and mad clones of myself. Then all of them bit into the neck's of all the attacker's. we drank to our fill's, and all the attackers fell down dead to the floor, "Well that was strange any ways here fenrir fenris and Fenrisúlfr, Then I realized that I had three instead of two then I saw one of them become visible. and all three of them came to me. then I created three bowls of a mixture of blood and essence. I placed them in front of them, and they lapped at it hungrily. when they finished they became a bit of blood, and they looked so sleek that I petted them, and then they went back to normal. I was curious I tried to make them change form. Didn't work. So I stepped outside the room with my son in my arms. I walked through the palace. Then I saw outside of the gate were the people of this land, "Hey what's this all about?" The guy turned around and I saw that it was that same guy who bit me. So I lunged at him. He dodged so easily that I wondered if he was faster than me. As if he read my mind he said, "I am faster than you, but if you like I can train you in the way's of the dempires I am a satavus you're a lilivus thus I am to be your teacher. Do you accept?" I knew the vampirica had some powers, but he was telling me that I was a dempire? I guess that means I have more power contained in me than I knew. So I looked up at him and said, "Sure but now I have a question: where are your wolves and bats?" He answered, "Oh you have those, well I left mine at my house, but I have Infinity tier ones so mine are above yours by alot but don't worry about it. Once you get your power they will go up with you. So what's with the kid?" I rubbed my son's head, I made him float before I lunged, "Well this is my son. No I didn't do that, I got it from defeating an Archaangemon, and he was part of the royal line, so he was a baby, but when I evolve so does he when he evolves so do I. So you have a problem with that? He also has his own creatures, so I guess that applies to changing heritage also. So let's go. He looked at me and said, "Just give him to the palace staff, he'll be fine." I looked up at him and said, "If you saw my room you would know that all the staff tried to kill me while I slept, if not for my wolves and bats I along with my son's I wouldn't have been here as I am I would have still been healing from the tiny cuts. Considering I have to get back my indestructible skin because it got taken away when I changed heritage!" Then he looked at me and said, "Oh yeah about that I forgot to give that back it was the one thing I kept, well I made it look like your skin, so I guess I should give it back." Then he was on my neck again. When he backed away I felt something was different. I looked at my skin and found that all my previous features were back, except vampirified, but the skin was invisible and see through, but I was wearing clothes so it didn't bother me. But I found I had my energy horn but not the third eye. Instead, it was a crystal along with the ones on my knuckles, "thanks" I said. Then I flexed and the marks had a nice red and gold flowing through them. I knew they were blood and essence and it felt good, "Well I guess now we know that you are already overpowered. Now I know what it looks like for you to have all your old power and now getting your new ones. Well lets go to get your new self unlocked." He reached out, grabbed me before I could react and kissed me. Then we were transported to a different world.

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