Chapter 5 Class war

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While in the academy's hallway he got quite a few looks of fear so when he got to class the teacher looked at him with at first boredom then made the connection between him and Demotre and looked afraid. Then he said, "This is the new student who this arct (morning) we saw fight and win against demotre say hello to the new best student." Then he muttered, "possibly at the level of a god," the whole class mood they all cheered and the feminine started giggling and talking and the guys looked like they would kill him, and they all jumped up and said, "We challenge you to a duel!" "Ok, let's go right here right now but wait for me to make a clone with 1 tenth of my power to fight you, so let's go. I wanted to have something to do with my scythe after I awakened, so let's go. In the next hour, they were in the cleared class. They were all poised, Archrie and his clone and scythe, and the guys with their abilities the teacher said let the fight begin. The clone was gone before any of them could move, leaving a mini-universe in its path, then cut each of them with eternity on his scythe, so they would heal in about 10 minutes, then going back to its position and saying done the boys all looked at their bodies, and they noticed three-inch cuts on their arms. They also noticed they weren't healing. They looked fearful, and all said,"We win by default!" The teacher said,"No, Archrie won because he is the one who used the rules for all fights and officially won so you have to follow the rules for the losers now." Then they all looked depressed. Archrie then asked, "What's the rule for losers?" then a piece of paper appeared and it said that they must do his bidding for the next week. He was happy and all the people who didn't fight were amazed that a clone with one-tenth of his power could defeat 100 of the 120 boys in the class. Then the teacher said, "You fight like a newbie, you fight me and let's see the results".

The next part was so dangerous they had to go to the arena, so they wouldn't have to fight and destroy the building then the teacher said, "let's fight boy!" the teacher mister flight knew that Archrie did not know how to use all his power yet, so he knew that he could win just had to find a way around that tedious field of his elements of the realm's at that moment a scythe appeared out of thin air and Archrie grabbed it and the surrounding field grew in radiance and the field strengthened, and he knew that the scythe was not a normal one he asked, "what is that made of?" Archrie replied, "it is made of a focusing agent that I created myself, it allows me to sharpen and broaden my skills, so let's fight." he said with a grin at that moment Archie's horns elongated, and his wings all grew supporter wings that made it look like he had 24 wings, so then he lifted his wings matured along with his power, and he used an ability of his creation and fired a won of air slices with light shards and dark shards of condemnation that would instantly put him in a state near death but keep him just barely alive one of the shards grazed mister flight's legs, and he screamed out in agony. Archrie stared down and dived with his power at max especially his ability to see his opponent's move before he made them a self-made ability and landed he then floated over to the teacher and said, "concede or I must make you and that would be troublesome and boring." then the teacher denied and made illusions which archrie destroyed and said, "I can not be tricked into seeing those but oh well time to end this." then the teacher reached out and touched the field and plunged into a ley line and flew out and onto Archrie's barrier and Archrie was ready and hit the teacher with two shards winning the fight and feeling sad he released his scythe and teleported to his dormitory feeling sad he then floated to his next class and then the mares said, "there is an attack on the building hide now!" then Archrie perked up at that and floated outside and there was a hoard of angels and demons attacking the school and each other when they spotted him they all stopped and in dissonant voices said you are not natural, you must die."

All the students then came out and watched, and they heard what they said and screamed. Then Archrie summoned the most powerful thing in the battle area and created the combination of the sword, scythe, shield, spear, gun, and tyrfing. He created two balls that when wanted would shoot unknown objects from its circumference and instantly destroy anything. We ban them all across the universe for that very reason. Then he combined it with his staff and created a weapon never seen before it was without form, and he shot it towards the hoard. It almost instantly created a barrier of destruction that was created surrounded the enemies. He then created an ore that has never created a Godstone that gave him the power of infinity and with it a new element. He then used infinite power to destroy the land with a detonation the size of 200 UY scuti stars about a scratch on the surface of Alftrie. The whole school was then scared because he created a huge detonation, and he had orbs of his creation floating around him, making the last element visible to the galaxy infinity which has been conquered and banned across the whole galaxy as too powerful to ever use. If used for a reason other than an emergency from another galaxy that is stronger than ours that could utilize the element that not even the gods in our universe have ever had, the element of soul that has not been seen since the omega left.

At that moment all the students were in shock, but then the principal came in and called Archrie for a little talk, "What was that you just used? It's not something that normal people use, and it's not on the list of the weapons on the forbidden list. What is that?" Archrie explained what it was and how it worked. Soon the principal was staring at him like he was crazy. Then he reached out to touch him and the orbs appeared right in front of his hands and when he touched them, he almost got killed with the shock of the blast power of the orb's energy into his body when he was about to use his element for some odd reason. The elements just got absorbed by the other elements.

Then Archrie started glowing, yes glowing, and then there was darkness and it was a mixture, and in the middle of it was Archrie in a new form. With a strange tail that was glowing green that he could control and when he used his elements, the element had green orbs around it, so he looked at his element tab and there he found elements that were forbidden and elements that have never been seen before. Then the principal came to himself and said, "You will be under probation for a duration until we know what the extent of your elements and your power and the extent of your evolution you seem to go through in power level and appearance any time you use your power instead of every month like a normal immortal even if you're a combination of the most dominant and prominent beings this is! Not! NORMAL!" he said in a not so friendly tone that ticked Archrie off, so he said, "Hey, you're not the boss of me and that tone ohh that thing you say probation, yeah I'm not going to get off and you won't talk to me forcefully." The principal looked appalled (he was a principal used to students bending to do his will, not the opposite. He also has the power of oppression (which is like the weakest element of them all). The principal looked like he just saw a ghost, so then he called the guard to subdue me and asked for the strongest. Then a group of angels beamed down and grabbed him, and they took him to the holding cells in heaven.

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