Chapter 7 The Break Out

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Later that day they were declared to the people they had found Archrie and Diroes, and they were very prodigal. Then he says, " you can sleep in the infinite palace until you have enough points to move to your own home. Is that ok?" "Yeah it's fine for now, but we'll move out, and we'll be in a mansion that expands to my wants and needs also it restores itself and I'll get all the best things I assure you. If I blast through the point rankings don't be surprised I was in the military, that'll be easy." Then they teleported into their rooms and found what they had to do, and they got to work.

When they got to their employment, they found it was relatively easy, and they were working together in manufacturing technology that was millions of years ahead of their old galaxies and better weaponry and tools. They also found new communication instead of teleporting. They had a staff that could link you to a stream of information that you could communicate by thinking words. They also had a gold fleck that was implanted into your visual cortex that could project things so everyone could see it and it had the same way of communication. Then there was a floating orb that transformed into a vambrace that was made with things harder than graphene, carbyne, graphyne, and adamantine combined yet much lighter than any of them and harder. Also, when in danger it turns into a full set of armor, it also turns into any weapon you want. Even if you aren't in danger, you can just summon it, there are no illegal weapons, so they could create anything, "I want this vambrace thing, it looks cool, and it changes to how you want it to look. It also provides defense and offense, without wasting energy," they said. When they finished their job, they requested the best ones, and they were amazed then they tried out the alert mode, and they contacted their bosses asking where the training area was. They were pointed to a gymnosym that had infinite space, then they tested the extent of their power they had, then they created weapons with the newly gained vambrace, and they created weapons of their choosing. When the weapons clashed, a huge blast wave was released. The wave could be seen over 100,000,000,000 light-years away, and everyone rushed to the stadium to watch the epic battle. (in this dimension a sword is vastly greater than a scythe) they see two people trading blows, each hit more powerful than the last.

The battle raged on for 10 galactic hours (one galactic hour is about 48 hours). Then Archrie unleashed the ability of the magnetar into his blade. Then he attacked Diroes. The sword could barely resist turning to dust on the first 100 hits when the blade cracked and diroes was thrown back with her sword broken. She started flying and started bombarding Archrie with maroer but Archrie could see that and released his full strength for the first time since he fully melded with himself, and he started flying with his wings, and he sliced through Maroer when he was right in front of her. He kicked her down and as she was getting up, he put his blade at her throat, "stay down I win." At that exact moment, Archrie's wings had grown by 10 feet and it looked like a god had just come down to fight. Then the whole arena was in shock, and then they cheered for the victory. Well, I guess we woke everyone up with our battle, but I almost won. I know it." "As if I was totally going to win even with that one element I had on before," they said jokingly, then they noticed the crowd parting and out came the spiritual leader who was also the strongest with a special item that made him super powerful. He was also a guy who was always present at a person's evolution to a stronger being before they were sent off or disappeared. Then he said, "Well, you two must be the newcomers from one of our tributaries and you're powerful. Well, you two must be ready for your evolution are yah. This is interesting, you must've been in your old galaxy for quite a while to evolve right away but anyway come with me." said the old guy, but, they followed him when they had been walking for a god hour (about 96 earth hours). They got to this strange palace, but they still followed when they were 1 light minute away. They sensed a strong power inside the building, but they still followed, but more lagging because of the weight of the power emanating from the building. When they got to the door, they were practically on their knees because of the weight of the power. Then, as suddenly as it came, it lifted, and they could stand again. When they looked into the room, there were dolls and the old man said, "This is the palace of true power.

Then the old guy went around, turning on all these orbs that glowed with a light from within that didn't burn to the touch instead. It makes your nerves feel tingly. Then the old guy sat down on a mat and motioned them to do so. Then he said, " this is where you'll bond with your dôji and both your power will be bonded and your soul and body and you'll look different. Also, you will be powerful and pass into the galaxy we funnel into for your new lives to begin. But you must know when you go there'll be new challenges and only your strongest memories will remain. Now, are you ready to evolve?" they both looked at each other, and they both knew what to do. The inhabitants of this new world would always ridicule if them didn't evolve them would be stuck at their current power level. Then, with surprising confidence, they both said, "We're ready to evolve."

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