Chapter 27 The War of the Infinity

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When I saw that I was surrounded, I unfurled my wings and flapped, then I was already 200 gigaparsec's in the air. So I flapped again, and I saw people. I realized they were above infinity gods. So I open myself up and try to absorb them all at once. I only see a tiny stream of power come in, and I get blown down, but not to the ground. So I ask, "Who are you people?" Then they noticed me, "Oh hello, you're the first being up here." Then I say, "Well, why is that?" "Well, because only people with a very high power level can get up here." Then one of the people says, "She's the one who absorbed the queen of the gods, so that puts her at the 'above god' status." "Oh, so you're the one who has that power level, well that means you officially serve us. Now bow down." "What is with you people, and the whole 'bow down' part? Well, no, I will not. I am not a slave." Then the leader of them becomes agitated. "Now, now, you will bow down. This is an order." Then I feel as though my will is being bent to his will. I unleash everything in the tank and it blows his hair back. "Now that's a first. I've never seen an above god with so much power before. So I guess, you're at the point of becoming a 'great above god' status above us is the 'god infinity god' status, but we are the pinnacle of above infinity gods, and we cannot evolve anymore. So you are at quite a level now come here." "No, what is with you? You are so arrogant." Then I unleash myself to the very limits of my power, and open myself up. Then one of them gets a finger sucked in. "owww, that hurt, now that is quite the transformation, to the level below us, now than I suppose you deserve something, since you absorbed part of that guy you can absorb the rest of him." The guy is groveling, and the rest of him is absorbed, I feel myself explode, and I feel my angod part of myself reaching for his soul, then I let it go and it grabs onto it, then my body transforms. Undiluted power comes out of my pours, then a danger beast comes out and its skin is unbreakable. Tan its skin comes off and becomes my skin, tan another danger beast comes out and its hair is stripped from it and some of it attached to the skin of the other danger beast. And on my hands I could control them. When the transformation was complete. The danger beast became a disk and floated behind my back. Then I could move again.

"Wow, you have an abnormal way of absorption. You take their power, then make it your own. So you must be an 'above infinity god'. But for you, you can also evolve in a ton of different directions. But you now also have the abilities of the most powerful danger beast's. So what will you do now?" Then I looked up, and the hair of the danger beast had melded with my own, turning it platinum and gold, and the skin of the other danger beast but a ton of little dots under my eyes. "I will absorb you." I opened myself up more than ever. Then I saw all of them try to destroy me, but I manipulated the hair of the danger beast and the skin of the other one. Then I put the two together, and I kept the rest of it as my skin. The other pieces of the skin recovered the parts that were bare. Then the hair became indestructible and protected me while I drew in their souls. Then I exploded. When I saw the last one being absorbed, she said, "Well, I guess you are stronger than all of us, even though I was the strongest. Well, me guess you should know something, after this much power your body will give up any part of itself. You will be a controller of imperials." Then she disappeared, and I transformed.

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