Chapter 24 Final Test

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When I came back to myself I was in a chair, then I looked up, and there in front of me was the man. "Well, good morning, how are you? Well, I am ok, you seem to have had a bit of a meltdown, and you released power levels never seen before. So for the final test. Bond with a god."

When the man left a woman who was beautiful appeared, so I stood up, then I looked into her eyes and fell into a world of limitless power, "Hello child of an angod, degod, and midgod, all of which serve me, now bow down before me."

Then I felt like I couldn't not listen to her, so I unleashed all my power, and I could stand. "Oh, you are stronger than all three of my servants combined now, what is your name?" "ärôñaïê, and I bow to no one!" I launched and let out a barrage of furious attacks. Then I found a ton of power that I have never touched, and plunged into it head first." Oh, you have a power that is almost limitless. But mine is actually limitless!" then she unleashed her power and exploded. Then I was thrown back into a wall and tried to get out. Then the queen was on me in a second. She was hitting me left and right. I realized what the man meant by bond, so I opened myself up and the queen screamed and dropped to the floor with her wings unfurled. She hit the floor with so much force it cracked. Then she tried to crawl away. I jumped from the wall and landed right in front of her. She screamed again. Then I saw why my chest was glowing. The mark that was there was glowing so brightly, and there was a stream of power flowing into it. The stream was connected to the goddess, and it was flowing out of her into me. The queen was still screaming when my appearance changed, and the mark on my chest opened and the stream got wider. The queen started screaming louder, then parts of her body dematerialized and went into the stream. Then she said, "Well, I guess you are more powerful than I am, I give you my blessing," and she was gone. Then I exploded, my wings changed shape and color, my body matured, my power matured and got more limitless than the queen's. Then the man walked out and saw my hair thickening, my body hovering 3 feet above the ground, all of my self was changing, then I heard his voice. "You have passed the tests, enjoy all you're power." Then I screamed, and he said, "Infinity is you're new pet, along with your son, and the weakest one, You have all their power and more, now you are a goddesstrintra. The final phase of you're claiming now go back to you're world." When I stopped growing and maturing the world went back, then I heard the man looming over me, "A prodigy never seen before."

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