Chapter 6 The Holding Of The Angels

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Well, I got shoved into a cell by the fierubs and just so you know they are not the cute little naked babies you think of when you hear fierubs they are full-grown men with flaming swords, and they are the guard of the gods. They are strong (not stronger than me, but they have the advantage of numbers and also if we cut them down they come right back up like zombies). But they are super strong and fast, so that's why I'm here because I'm a wild card that they cannot control, and I am not a puppet. So I will train in my cell (very spacious) and have a training area that I can use for all aspects of my power.).

I was training, and I felt I wasn't alone in my room. So I called out, "Who's in here with me, stop hiding or I'll explode, don't attack me, I can see all your moves." Then she walked out of the ceiling, and she had her hands up. Then she said, "Sorry, I was just trying to stay out of your way my element is reading and I usually have to be holding hands to sense power's but your power field was so powerful that I could sense you faintly as soon as you entered heaven, and they told me I would have a roommate, so I figured it was you and hid because most people who come here are huge criminals. Also, my name is Diroes, and umm can I hold your hand to read you?" "Sure, but be warned I am not your average immortal, also my power has grown a lot since I came here and I know that the stronger the person you read is the more stress it puts on your body so if you feel weak, please stop and heal yourself." "Ok I will but I mean how strong can you be you aren't even awakened." Then Archrie released his true power, and she looked shocked and the whole room started glowing with his glowing aura, and the orbs around him and the horns, wings, tail, and the hovering she just looked straight up scared, so then she said, "Ok, that's why you said be careful because you are not normal and you've awakened so what's your realm element?"

So when she tried to read me it conflicted her body with pain because of all the power, like when you touch a hot plate while it's still hot. So he made her stop and sit down to heal up, so she wouldn't kill herself trying to read me. When she came around she said, "Wow, you were right, that was hard and it hurts." She said slurring badly like she just drank 20 gallons of blood Ambrotre and didn't get it out of her system, so she was the drunkest person on earth. Then she said, "I don't want to read you again so please don't ask me to." Then she said, "What elements do you have, anyway?" "I have all the elements except for the godly element of soul so umm yeah I've also created some of my elements so that's about all I have." Then they just started training together.


"So we hit new levels, Diroes, why don't we spar to pass some time and to further upgrade our fighting skills, so we can break out?" "Sure, but don't cry when I beat your butt." So we started in the standard way we created a field of our own space so it would harm no area/ destroyed (that's why the battlefield is gorgeous looking to up the morale of the troops) Then we bowed and released our abilities and powers. Then the fight began. The first power I used was infinite, and it enhances all aspects of me so when we started trading blows I missed the first time by a hair and the wind hit her so fast and hard she flew back, hit the wall of the barrier and coughed up a large amount of her sirassence and fell to the floor. It was as if a god Draghoenix had just charged her at a maximum speed of 20 times the speed of light and with the weight of 100 tons they can crash at so fast with such force that can seriously harm immortals. So I was worried, so I ran forward more instantly because of the infinite mph and healed her to more healthy than she was before. She gasped. From the lack of stersta and lack of atsrets, the opposite of stersta goes into our second pair of lungs that gives us more enrtrai that gives mortals longer life and immortals less need for sustenance in a period. "Well, you sure have improved a lot, and I am still a weakling because I was the strongest enchantress and that was dangerous, so they put me here, so I wouldn't hurt other people well you win according to the rules." "Well, I am a mix of angods and degods, so I have a lot of power but don't be sad I have a present for you." "What? How could you get me a present in prison?" "Well, not that present the powerful kind." and with that, he gave her the godly ability of infinity. She felt powerful and said, "Let's have a rematch. This time it won't be an instant win for you but the other way around " "oh we'll see about that." and they had a rematch they traded such hard blows but then it was as if archrie got possessed because at that point he was fighting with the style of angods and degods mixed, and then he used his tail which already held the key to soul and elements not heard of since the beginning of time in the galaxy, and he used it and all those elements burst out of him, and he put them into one final attack his style of fighting it is all his own, and so he created a fight nothing else could match the style of arlyfru and sent her back, and he went through a change that has never been reached (one of the new elements he got was above infinity or infinity to the infinite power) and stopped her dead in her track's his new transformation gave him two more tails a new body with glowing eyes and skin that constantly changed auras and texture his voice had a harmonic side to it when he spoke it was like three people were talking at the same time himself an angod, and a degod all together soon he would be on the path to being something more, so she hoped back and tried to asses his new strength, and then she looked at his elbows and knees they had spouts of solid power coming out. If she tried to get close to him she started getting bombarded with the untamed power that was swirling around him. "Archrie calm down you're going to explode!" When all she heard was a murmur of the ancients she said, "Guards! Fierubs! He's going to explode, get in here, help me!" Then the walls deployed a smothering agent to try to smother his power outbreak, but it failed and disintegrated instantly. Then it just stopped and all that was left was Archrie, and he looked completely different. He crumpled on the floor, and he looked peaceful for once.

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