Chapter 35 New Experience

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When I got to the world, I looked up, and realized. I was in a town square, and everyone was gaping at me. So I said, "What are you staring at me for? I just got here, so stop looking at me like I'm a surprise." So I started to walk, when a bolt of lightning came down above me, so I looked up, and the bolt of lightning was frozen right before it touched me then I reached up, grabbed it, and took away the glamour. Before me was a full-grown man in protective clothing, "Hello, but what do you want, after all I just arrived here, also I brought myself here, so I am furious right now. I could kill you if I wanted, so get straight to the point." Then he looked at me with a smug look, "You couldn't kill me if you tried your power is so low." So I stopped suppressing my power and unleashed it. When I did, the ground cracked, my hair changed color, my eyes went to a gold tinge, and the horn from my third eye opened and a new evolution happened, my eyes let loose a stream of pure energy, "Oh yes I could, I was suppressing myself, so get to the point." then he looked fearful, "Ok, in this sector of the kingdom, they aren't allowed to use their power, and when you arrived there was a huge power surge. I was sent out to subdue you but you're much stronger than anticipated. So I'm supposed to bring you to the palace if you are that strong. Sooooo... lets go."

So he bolted to the palace but I just took one step, and I was there, right in the middle of the gathering room, with the whole royal family gathered, so I said, "He'll be here shortly." Less than 15 seconds later he was here, "Hello your majesty, the girl already here. Well she caused the rise, and she was suppressed, by herself. So, please don't call her weak." Then the king looked at me and said, "Well, this girl isn't a threat, so why did you bring her?" "Well she was super strong, so I brought her," The king looked me up and down, "No she's not, she has the power of the average grown woman in her prime," Then I said, "No I don't I'm suppressed." I fully unsuppressed myself, and the royal family along with the guard were thrown to the wall's a mile from where they were standing. So I started laughing, "So You were so much weaker than me, I only released a portion of my strength and you were thrown back so far. Well, I guess I should stop before I kill you." So I suppressed myself again, to a reasonable strength. Then they got up and teleported back, "Well... that was an unpleasant feeling, but I guess that was reasonable, what rank were you in your past world?" "Well I was the queen, but I was stronger than my dad the emperor, so I got sent here." He looked mortified, "Well I guess, that makes you the new rightful ruler, so I relinquish control to you, if, you beat me in a duel." I looked at him and said, "Sure, fine by me."

So we went to the sparring area, and he put on his royal robe. Then he said, "Let's go now." and he was gone. So I put up a field of energy and pushed it all around me then I heard a crash into the wall. So I turned around and saw him on the wall, "I knew where you were, I just wanted to have some fun. So I guess I win." I said as I walked up to him, "Well I guess I should make myself acquainted with the place. But, I want you all to stay as my regime, just below my rule. My advisers." Then I turned with a clipped stomp and I started walking away. When I was halfway across the room, the son and daughter ran up to me and cornered me, "Ok, what is with this family? I won fairly, so I am just going to leave now." When they still wouldn't move, I used a spirit push and pushed them away with just a touch, and they were thrown away instantly, and they were unconscious within second's. So I took another step but teleported to my room instead. Then I saw that in the middle of the room there was a training enhancer along with an enhanced cocoon, so I moved the cocoon on top of the enhanced training then they melded and it became an infinite trainer. So I turned on the training center and the cocoon was enhanced even more, so I got in, and sent off a burst of all my power, the training area quadrupled it, then it was sent back to me four times over then it rebounded again. In total, I got over 1 milli-millillion more power than I sent out. I found one stream that was ancient, so I tried to see it, and it was broken, so I tinkered with it, added some of my own stuff to it, put new stuff never heard of then when I finished I harnessed it, and a ton of power came and exploded, then I felt myself reach out for my son, those two worlds ago. When he arrived he cooed and was smiling, so I cuddled him, and he fell asleep, so I left him inside to train then I got out and the royal family was in the room trying to kill me, "Oh so you were so desperate that you were going to kill me? Well guess what, I will kill you instead" I released my newly found power into my power, then I destroyed all restrictions, and the power flowing through my veins and arteries pulsed changing me into a more mature me. I looked at them and they disintegrated. I said, "Wow, who knew the royalty of this world is so greedy." I knew why the people weren't allowed to use power. I walked to the power room and made an announcement, " People of this world, I am the new queen, and that makes me the empress of this world. Well the purpose of this announcement is to tell you that from now on you will be allowed to use your abilities and also you are not to rise against me, or you will die absolutely. Anyways who wants to learn to use your ability? Well come down to the palace and you will." Then I ended it and walked away.

When the citizens started arriving, I spied one guy who looked suspicious but I didn't know him, so I let him in. I led everyone to the training grounds and when we got there I said, "So who can show us how they use their abilities?" when no one raised their hand I sighed and said, "Well I guess I'll show you my weakest ability." I summoned the basic stream used the first ability. every one swayed, except the weird guy, "This ability allows me to control a large mass of people at once" When I looked at the weird guy he still wasn't under my control, "Hey, what's your name?" He looked at me and said, "Oh so you've noticed me? Well my name is trghera, and I am a vampirica. Does that answer your question?" I looked at him confused and said, "Follow me." We walked into the palace, and he said, "Thank you, well anyway, I am not your average vampire. You see I am the 'god' of them the pryavira, so I can withstand sun, and moonlight, and right now I am hungry." So before I could speak he latched on to my neck, knowing that vampirica could only feed fully if they consumed all the blood and life in their victim, so I pushed him off, and just like that he said, "I have completed the deed You are a vampirica, a pryavira one, That means you are not yourself anymore you are more powerful." Then he disappeared. When I realized what just happened, I realized that I had a strange hunger in me. then I felt 6 of my teeth sharpen and elongate, the four top ones were separated by two teeth, and they were in pairs. then I felt my two canine bottom teeth elongate somewhat shorter than the top ones. when I opened my mouth I had an incredible taste for essence and immortal life force. So I sent all the citizens home and I went to the vampirica sector of the world. When I got there, once the vampirica saw me they got down on one knee and bowed. So I went through their minds and I found that some were bowing because of respect and some because I was the pryavira. So I said stand, and they stood and got back to business. So I kept walking then I stopped one vampirica and asked, "Where can I find the place where the vampirica feed?" She pointed me to the central building and when I got inside I saw that it was full of immortal life force, and essence. my teeth elongated again and I went to the front desk and when he saw me he was confused then he said, "Sorry vampirica only ☹." except he didn't say it, he typed it on the screen and it appeared on the wall behind him. So I said, "I am a vampirica, because you pryavira made me one and a pryavira one at that. So let me in I am hungry, then I opened my mouth in a snarl, and he saw my six teeth and typed, "You are above a pryavira you are a full on vampire with some Lilith built in you, you are a lilivus, so you need to have our best immortal, a full pryavira lilli go to the back room he's in there."

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